Referencing Assembly Problem


Oliver Drobnik


I have a curious problem using VS.NET 2002

I create a new class library with a public function

Public Class ASN1
Public Sub New()
End Sub

Public Sub test()
End Sub

End Class

Now I open a new Solution, Add a new Reference to the DLL (in bin

now I can use DIM and I even see the test method in the object browser
BUT ..

Dim asn1 As New components.ASN1() <- here it shows me the class
asn1.... <- it does not show my any methods here

What could be the reason for this?!!

On a different PC with VS.NET 2003 this works without problems. Is
this a VS.NET 2002 bug?

kind regards
Oliver Drobnik

Dmitriy Lapshin [C# / .NET MVP]


In addition to referencing the assembly, you should also add the "using"
statement for the assembly's namespace(s), in your example this seems to be
"components", and the statement will therefore look like:

using components;

Ensure you don't have other syntax errors in your code. If there are errors,
Intellisense works much worse or doesn't work at all.

It is also possible that Intellisense project database has been corrupted
(this happens from time to time). In this case, close the solution and
remove the .projdata file for your project. Then, re-open the solution.

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