

Eric Frohmann

Access XP. Created the app, made the MDE file, works fine on one machine.
The data files are located on a network drive.

Installed Access XP (full install) on a different machine on the same
network, now it complains that there are two broken references:
msado15.dll and msadox.dll.

Both files exist in the same location as on the working machine. I tried
re-establishing the reference using the source application, but it still
doesn't recognise the files - keeps reporting that they are missing.

Any ideas how to make the mde work on this new machine?



basically it doesn't matter if you are working in a network. Network just shares data while they are porcessed on each different machine where application is installed
All machines should have the same library (you miss the ADO and the ADOX library) in the same path as they was on the developing machine
You said that the new machine has both the files missing and both in the right place. That's quite strange
i can't be totally sure but msado15.dll seems to me a bit old for AccessXP. it sounds most familiar with Access2000
Try upgrading all pc's with MDCA 2.8 you will have the most recent libraries. You can download it from Microsoft web site
Hope it helps somewhat

Eric Frohmann

That worked - Thanx!


rocco said:
basically it doesn't matter if you are working in a network. Network just
shares data while they are porcessed on each different machine where
application is installed.
All machines should have the same library (you miss the ADO and the ADOX
library) in the same path as they was on the developing machine.
You said that the new machine has both the files missing and both in the
right place. That's quite strange.
i can't be totally sure but msado15.dll seems to me a bit old for AccessXP.
it sounds most familiar with Access2000.
Try upgrading all pc's with MDCA 2.8 you will have the most recent
libraries. You can download it from Microsoft web site.

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