Recordset to Word for Mailing List



I have an application that maintains info on continuing-education classes. I
have a startup form with various processing options, and would like to add
one that generates mailing list labels for all folks that attended a given
class. I have a form that lets me select the desired class ID, and then runs
a query to return the name & address info for the attendees. Now, I would
like to call Word where this recordset would be used to produce mailing list
labels. I can do this manually by using the Office Link wizard -- how can I
automate this process? I've got the Microsoft books 'Running Access 2000'
and 'Running Office 2000' but can't find the clues that I need. I have VB
experience, and think I need something like:

Dim wdobj As Object, wddoc As Object
Set wdobj = CreateObject("word.doc")
Set wddoc = wdobj.Application.Activate ?????

Any help greatly appreciated!


Albert D. Kallal

I have a sample download that actually does take a reocrdset, and merges it
to word.

However, instead of digging through my code to see how I send out the
reocrdset, you can simply pass the sql to my code, and it will do the rest

My download is ready to go, and is designed to be integrated into existing

Give the sample download a try. Read some of the additional notes on the web
site also. I have some detailed instructions on how to make this work.

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