Keeping the formatting Excel to Word



I'm totally new to Excel programming and I found this code and used it.
It works except now I need to figure out how to change the formats
(currency, dates, etc).

I'm trying to complete a word document with the data from Excel.

here's the code I copied and used:
Sub CreateWordDoc()

Dim wdApp As Object
Dim wdDoc As Object
Dim rSSN As Range
Dim rPerpName As Range
Dim rRestitution As Range
Dim rBalOP As Range

Set rSSN = Sheet1.Range("B15:B15")
Set rPerpName = Sheet1.Range("B17:B17")
Set rRestitution = Sheet1.Range("B31:B31")
Set rBalOP = Sheet1.Range("B32:B32")

'open the word documents
Set wdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set wdDoc = wdApp.Documents.Open("C:\")

'replace the bookmarks with the variables
FillBookmark wdDoc, rSSN, "mSSN"
FillBookmark wdDoc, rPerpName, "mPerpName"
FillBookmark wdDoc, rRestitution, "mRestitution"
FillBookmark wdDoc, rBalOP, "mBalOP"

'show the word document
wdApp.Visible = True

End Sub

I configured the {Formtext} fields in my '' to their
specific formats (ie. currency, SSN). However, each time I run the
macro from Excel, it pastes the correct figures except it didn't use
any formatting (99999.99 vs. $99,999.99) I would like to make sure the
amounts have the $ and separators when populated in the word document.
I've searched the other posts but could not locate anything that might
help me. Please help.

Another question. Is there a way this macro can be written to open a
new blank template? I would like for the users to be able to select
"SAVE AS" only when saving the word document. (similar to opening a
template and instead of opening -- it will open Document1).

Thank you,

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