record of sales for each contact



I have just downloaded OL 2007 w BCM. I have a database from ACT 6.0 that I
will be importing into it. In ACT I have an add on . It provides an extra
tab which is linked to an Access database.

I can see what each client has purchased, at what price, their order date,
etc. Basically anything I choose to put in the Access table. I have a
choice as to which field to link.

It is very convenient to see this when I am looking at the contact
information. I would like to simply see a list of what the contact has
purchased. The entire list of all contacts and purchases could be either an
Access Table or an excel spreadsheet. However I don't want to open something
(i.e. table or spreadsheet) each time I go into a contact.

Individual fields would not be my answer, as there would be several
purchases, with different dates, etc.

Does anyone have a suggestion as to how I could implement something like
this in BCM 2007??

On another note is there a maximum number of user defined fields that can be
added to BCM07?

Thanks in advance

mrtimpeterson via

The only thing that I can think of is to just create either an Access or
Excel data file and then save it within your Windows file folders structure.
You can then just create a document link from either the Business Contact or
the Account record to the stored file for handy reference. There is no way
to store this supplemental sales data for each contact directly within the
BCM db. Of course you could custom tailor some allowable fields (BCM v. 3
only) to accomodate some of your data with limited formatting.


Lon Orenstein

You could also move to Office Accounting 2007 and you'd see every
transaction in BCM in Financial History for each contact. Getting the data
into Accounting might be painful but once you did it works great.


Lon Orenstein
pinpointtools, llc
(e-mail address removed)
Author of Outlook 2007 Business Contact Manager For Dummies
Author of the eBook: Moving from ACT! to Business Contact Manager
800.238.0560 x6104 Toll Free (U.S. only) +1 214.905.0401 x6104


That might be an option, if it were a simple sale item. I chose those terms
to simplify the example. I am a loan officer and need a list of the loans I
have done for each client, with the pertinent information for each one, such
as rate, term, etc. Some clients have only one loan, some several. Seeing
them in one place when the client calls is a neccesity for me.

OL also allows a field to be a formula, however I don't see that option in

Lon Orenstein said:
You could also move to Office Accounting 2007 and you'd see every
transaction in BCM in Financial History for each contact. Getting the data
into Accounting might be painful but once you did it works great.


Lon Orenstein
pinpointtools, llc
(e-mail address removed)
Author of Outlook 2007 Business Contact Manager For Dummies
Author of the eBook: Moving from ACT! to Business Contact Manager
800.238.0560 x6104 Toll Free (U.S. only) +1 214.905.0401 x6104

Lon Orenstein

A loan officer -- no wonder you're a GolfGal...

Use the Opportunities to track each loan -- that will give you a one-to-many
relationship between one contact and many loans. You can add 40 fields of
data to that record and customize it easily. You can use the Sales Stage
field (no, you can't rename it but you'll remember what it's for...) to show
where in the process you are. The Sales Stage called Closed Won
automatically puts the Probability at 100%.

You can customize the views to show the fields you want to see (rate, term,
etc) and the same with reports.

Hope that helps,

Lon Orenstein
pinpointtools, llc
(e-mail address removed)
Author of Outlook 2007 Business Contact Manager For Dummies
Author of the eBook: Moving from ACT! to Business Contact Manager
800.238.0560 x6104 Toll Free (U.S. only) +1 214.905.0401 x6104

GolfGal said:
That might be an option, if it were a simple sale item. I chose those
to simplify the example. I am a loan officer and need a list of the loans
have done for each client, with the pertinent information for each one,
as rate, term, etc. Some clients have only one loan, some several.
them in one place when the client calls is a neccesity for me.

OL also allows a field to be a formula, however I don't see that option in


Lon, you are a genius! Thanks so much for this reply and the one above
concerning the import from ACT and not putting into categories. When I've
done an import before into regular OL, it did use the groups as categories.
That will be a task, as they are not grouped by any field, just by where I
put them! I'll have to do some extra fields for grouping in Act before I

And for anyone who is reading this, I have Lon's Pinpoint Tool and it is a
great help for a series of tasks that are repeatedly performed for a contact.

I also didn't think I could add fields to the Opportunity area. Can I
import into that area from ACT? Actually, if there is a way to just import
the contacts from ACT then update those contacts with the opportunity fields
from either an access table or and excel spreadsheet, that would be ideal. I
could create an ID for a master link to import correctly.

I have the 07 installed on my non-work computer (as I don't quite trust 2007
yet!) I will hopefully have time to play around with it this weekend and see
what I can get it to do. Once I get all my Act contacts into it, I need to
copy my pst's from my other computer so all the emails will be linked.

Do you know if it will link emails from more than one pst file? I usually
have 3 opened, and a couple of archives not opened, which do have pertinent

Once again........thank you for your help. I will definitely be ordering
your book!

Heavy BCM User

Is there a way to import opportunities? If I had an excell spreadsheet of all
of my past sales and current opportunities?

Leonid S. Knyshov // SBS Expert

Is there a way to import opportunities? If I had an excell spreadsheet of all
of my past sales and current opportunities?
Anything is possible with custom coding. Is it possible within the
interface? I don't think so.

Good idea though. I'll add it to my list of things I can code.
Leonid S. Knyshov
Crashproof Solutions
Twitter: @wiseleo
Microsoft Small Business Specialist
Please vote "helpful" if I helped you :)

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