recall of infor on a form



I have created two tables: table one has basic info lname, fname, grade,
student id number. Table two is an incident report form with fields: student
id number, date ,grade , etc. I have a relationship from table one to to
table two in a one to many relationship respectively. My user wishes to enter
incidents on a form. So I created a form from table two and all works as
planned. However my user would like to enter either a)student number or b)
last name with out using a drop down list( long list of choices.) and then
have it display both student number and last name then save incident to table
2? Also if you have multiple last name choices will it give you an option to
select the appropriate one?


I don't see the problem in using a drop-down to choose the student.
The user can type in characters to zero in on the student they want, no need
to scroll through all the names.
Your drop down to choose the student should be bound to the student id and
you can display the id, last name and firstname in the dropdown. If 2
students have the same name, they can be distinguished by the id or some
other column (maybe birthdate).
-- Dorian
"Give someone a fish and they eat for a day; teach someone to fish and they
eat for a lifetime".


Thank you. I did use a drop down list and added the name fields to show as
well. He then can see the id number and a name to verify what he wants. I
was just hoping to find another way also. How would I create a user input
that would search both student id number and/or last names until a match was
found? Also what would happen if two(ormore) people have the same last name?
Will a select choice come up?

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