Re-install of Windows XP Home Edition


K. Beaman

I had uninstalled XP when I was having severe problems. I
went back to Win 98SE and up until now it was working
fine. Now I am having consistent "blue screens" and rather
than pull all my hair out decided to re-install XP. hile
installation was in progress, it stopped (hung) and the
message "The signature for Windows XP Home Edition is
invalid. The error code is 80096001" what would cause this?

Rob Schneider

K. Beaman said:
I had uninstalled XP when I was having severe problems. I
went back to Win 98SE and up until now it was working
fine. Now I am having consistent "blue screens" and rather
than pull all my hair out decided to re-install XP. hile
installation was in progress, it stopped (hung) and the
message "The signature for Windows XP Home Edition is
invalid. The error code is 80096001" what would cause this?

What is the root-cause of your problems? Doing a re-install, as you
have discovered, is not a panacea answer and should be considered "last
resort". Before fixing, try to find cause.

I went to and searched for "signature for
Windows XP Home Edition"
and quickly found article;en-us;307153 which
might of use. Other articles appeared which almost might help.

Harry Ohrn

Your problems could be hardware related. You were having severe problems
with XP, you revert to Win 98 and now are having severe problems with it.
You try to reinstall XP and are encountering problems. It is possible that
flaky RAM or Hard Drive is the issue.

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