re-arrange data in date order




My name is Erik, I am trying to duplicate data in a worsheet in date order.
I know about the sort function and that's not what I am after. I need the
data to be duplicated in a new row and sorted by date. Can this be done? I
have been thinking about a nested "if" statement but the data row is lenghtly
and this will be very labour intencive..
Any suggestions???


One play to try ..

Sample construct available at:

In Sheet1, source data is in cols A to C,
data from row2 down with dates in col A, eg:

Date Field1 Field2
18-Dec-05 Data1 Data1
06-Dec-05 Data2 Data2
18-Dec-05 Data3 Data3
06-Dec-05 Data4 Data4
07-Dec-05 Data5 Data5

(Possibility of duplicate dates in col A is assumed)

In a new sheet: Ascending,
With the same col headers pasted in A1:C1

Put in E2:
Copy down to say, E100, to cover the max expected extent of data in Sheet1.
(Leave E1 empty)

Put in A2:
Copy A2 across to C2, fill down to C100
(cover the same extent as in col E)

Format col A as dates. Sheet2 will return an ascending sort of Sheet1 by the
dates in col A. Lines with duplicate dates, if any, will appear in the same
relative order as in Sheet1

And if we want it auto-sorted in *descending* order instead
just slightly amend the formulas in E2 and A2 ...

In a new sheet: Descending
With the same col headers pasted in A1:C1

Put in E2:

( the change is from "+" to "-" for the part: "ROW()/10^10" )

Copy down to say, E100, to cover the max expected extent of data in Sheet1.
(Leave E1 empty)

Put in A2:

( the change is to replace SMALL with LARGE )

Copy A2 across to C2, fill down to C100
(cover the same extent as in col E)

Format col A as dates. Sheet2 will return a descending sort of Sheet1 by the
dates in col A. Lines with duplicate dates, if any, will appear in the same
relative order as in Sheet1.

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