Rambus sued for patent violation!



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....just ;-)


P.S. Yousuf, individual.net has agreed to carry AISA and it should
be set up in an hour or so. Unfortunately, they have no history so
only new articles will be carried.


Keith said:
P.S. Yousuf, individual.net has agreed to carry AISA and it should
be set up in an hour or so. Unfortunately, they have no history so
only new articles will be carried.

Cool thanks for the info. Users are slowly trickling in there.

Yousuf Khan


Now for something completely different.

Rambus sued over patent violation

Yousuf Khan

What goes around, comes around. Just a few years ago, the Law Firm of
Rambus, Scambus, & Shambus LLP (sorry, don't remember who came up with
this definition first) sued everyone and their mother-in-law for
patent infringement, and claimed they owned the IP in all present,
past, and future types of memory. Serves them well.


Tony Hill

Hmm, that's the 2nd one... both Canadian. Mosaid has been in the process
of suing Rambus for several months now.

Have they actually sued Rambus? I know that Mosaid has been, umm,
having talks with Infineon, Hynix and Samsung (and previously some
others), but I didn't think them and Rambus had been going at each
other yet.

It is kinda funny though, Mosaid was the company that immediately
jumped to mind when I read the headline and then again after I saw
that it was a Canadian company!

<sigh> I am still kind of sad about Mosaid. They are based here in my
home town and just ten years ago seemed like they were becoming a real
leader in the technology front. However something changed in ~2000,
perhaps even related to the whole Rambus fiasco. All of a sudden they
laid off all their engineers and hired on a whole lot of lawyers.
They stopped innovating and starting litigating.

Perhaps there is a glimmer of hope though. I just checked the
"career" section of their website and the only 4 jobs they have listed
are all pure engineering jobs. Even Rambus is hiring people to do
actual design work again, though I do also see some tell-tale job
postings for "Patent Attorney" and such.

Interesting point of note: This new company that is suing Rambus is a
non-profit organization!

Scott Alfter

Hash: SHA1

Unstable junk DDR dead dead dead!

I'd like to show the corse's ass who used to repeat that phrase ad infinitum
the server that's running alfter.us. The motherboard is coming up on five
years old now, and it's been running on the same pair of PC1600 DDR DIMMs
the whole time.

(The board is a Biostar M7MIA; the processor on it is a 1.0-GHz Athlon.)

/ v \ Scott Alfter (remove the obvious to send mail)
(IIGS( http://alfter.us/ Top-posting!
\_^_/ rm -rf /bin/laden >What's the most annoying thing on Usenet?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)


George Macdonald

Have they actually sued Rambus? I know that Mosaid has been, umm,
having talks with Infineon, Hynix and Samsung (and previously some
others), but I didn't think them and Rambus had been going at each
other yet.

Well I thought I'd read about a complaint being filed but never saved it
and in the morass of "complaints" it's impossible to find the reference -
possibly they just had Rambus on notice for infringement, along with 13 or
so other companies, but never actually proceeded.
It is kinda funny though, Mosaid was the company that immediately
jumped to mind when I read the headline and then again after I saw
that it was a Canadian company!

<sigh> I am still kind of sad about Mosaid. They are based here in my
home town and just ten years ago seemed like they were becoming a real
leader in the technology front. However something changed in ~2000,
perhaps even related to the whole Rambus fiasco. All of a sudden they
laid off all their engineers and hired on a whole lot of lawyers.
They stopped innovating and starting litigating.

Perhaps there is a glimmer of hope though. I just checked the
"career" section of their website and the only 4 jobs they have listed
are all pure engineering jobs. Even Rambus is hiring people to do
actual design work again, though I do also see some tell-tale job
postings for "Patent Attorney" and such.

I believe Paul de Mone had commented that Mosaid's claims were "miniscule"
compared with RMBS's and I believe the IP from his work on SDLRAM was
"assigned" to the SDLRAM consortium. I'd heard about the lawyer
"take-over" at Mosaid and hoped that their engineering efforts were not
completely terminated.
Interesting point of note: This new company that is suing Rambus is a
non-profit organization!

Associated with a university? I hope this is not another case of "lawyer

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