RAM issue - Vista Home Premium



I just purchased a new machine with 4Gb Ram. When i go to the system info it
says I only have 3Gb of RAM. I have checked the machine and their are 4-1Gb
SIMMS there and crucial.com says I have 4Gb.

Is this a limitation of Home Premium? Is it actually addressing all 4Gb or
is it limited to 3Gb and if so what can I do to address all the RAM in my

Thanks Len

Gary G. Little

From other threads, I think this is common occurence with Vista. You really
have 4GB, but I believe 1GB is reserved for system use, which leaves you
3GB. I don't have 4GB, so can't verify that, but do a search for 4GB in this
and other threads and you should find your answer.

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