Question or two



I built this PC for Vista. Purchased an OEM XPsp2 with a Vista upgrade
Received my copy of Vista(Home Premium) OEM 32-bit last week. Did the
compatabilty test. All is well.
Upon installing I decided to make it a dual boot with XP. This all went well.
Why at Vista boot a "File Sharing/Transfer" window opens?
Why did the MS update site give me a Modem driver update that made it slower?
Where is the "Rollback driver" option (Like XP) in device properties?
Why? When or if I boot to XP and restart/shutdown and boot back to Vista it
goes into scan disk saying I had a "Blue Screen" event?
The modem thing? Before anyone sugests other options. I can only use a
modem where I live. There is nothing else available...Believe me.

Rick Rogers


The rollback driver feature is in exactly the same place, the driver tab of
the device's properties. If it isn't there, then there isn't one to roll
back to. Hint: Never rely on Windows Update for drivers, always go to the
device manufacturer's site.

As to the odd behavior after booting XP and then back to Vista, it may be
because XP kills all of Vista's System Restore points, and this is likely
being detected as corruption.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -


Thanks Rick for the input.
The file transfer window at boot was just the "Welcome Screen" I forgot
about the tick in the lower left corner to disable it.
The modem is still screwed up. Tried the rollback ( I found it). Next step
is to remove it from DM and reinstall.
Now I remember "Windows Update" did the same thing to the modem in XP.
Someone needs to tell MS thier Intel 536EP modem drivers are BS.
The odd boot could be as you say. But I was wondering about an "unknown"
device in Vista that XP may use. The description of this device in Vista
looks like the same description of the Dual Core processor I am useing.

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