Question about MesNews




I use MesNews from

When I reply to a post, the MesNews automatically places a salutation
in the first line such:
"After carefully considering the issue, "Bob" said:"

Some of these salutations are really sarcastic and could really make
someone angry and I'd to turn them off but I cannot find a command to
do it.

Any ideas?

Ivan V. Klattrup

Anonymous skrev:
Some of these salutations are really sarcastic and could really make
someone angry and I'd to turn them off but I cannot find a command to do

File - Settings - Formulation - Random formulations (remove it)

Dewey Edwards


I use MesNews from

When I reply to a post, the MesNews automatically places a salutation
in the first line such:
"After carefully considering the issue, "Bob" said:"

Some of these salutations are really sarcastic and could really make
someone angry and I'd to turn them off but I cannot find a command to
do it.

Any ideas?

" Can I always use the same formulation?

In default MesNews uses random formulations (settings in screen
Formulations). To use a fixed formulation in each group go to
properties of the group, tab Formulations. Tick off the box "use
default settings" when you ticked off that box you will see "random
formulations" appear, write the formulations you wish in the text zone
under "random formulations" .

To use the same formulation in all groups of a specific server you can
do the same but in the properties server under tab formulations. You
have to leave the option "use parameters of the server" ticked in the
properties of the groups.

To use one formulation for all groups on all servers it is quicker to
go to the screen Formulation and to put in one formulation. "

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