Using Word 2002 in Windows, but also have Word 2007
I'm creating an index at the end of a book manuscript. Some of the page
entries in the index refer to the text. But there are some index entries
that come from footnotes. Is there a trick that would make the footnote
entries appear differently in the index?
It would be nice if the index identified footnote links by adding
something before the page number or in Italics. Is there a trick to make
Word do this?
Thank you.
I'm creating an index at the end of a book manuscript. Some of the page
entries in the index refer to the text. But there are some index entries
that come from footnotes. Is there a trick that would make the footnote
entries appear differently in the index?
It would be nice if the index identified footnote links by adding
something before the page number or in Italics. Is there a trick to make
Word do this?
Thank you.