Query re Outlook 2000 message formatting...




I'm using Outlook 2000, VBS.

Is there an easy way to send a message in plain text, i.e. mono-spaced? Or
to set the font of a new message? I've had a good search, and can see all
sorts of new options with Outlook 2007, but I'm stuck with Outlook 2000.

If I add text to .Body then the received message looks like RTF format, and
if I use the following:
ls_lines = Split( ls_text, vbCrlf )
ls_html = Join( ls_lines, "<BR>" )

Set lo_mail = lo_outlook.CreateItem( olMailItem )
lo_mail.Recipients.Add ls_to
lo_mail.Subject = ls_subject
lo_mail.Body = ""
lo_mail.Attachments.Add gs_txt_spec
lo_mail.HtmlBody = "<html><font size=""2"" face=""Courier New, Arial"">"
& ls_html & "</font></html>"

....then multiple spaces in the Html string are reduced to one space by
Outlook. I know that the string given to Outlook definitely has multiple
spaces. How do I stop Html or Outlook 2000 from reducing multiple spaces to
one space?

Or, better still, a way format a message as pure courier-new, no frills, so
that I can just add text to .Body and not have to use .HtmlBody at all.



Found out, didn't need to split and rejoin with <BR>, instead just use the
<PRE> tag:

lo_mail.HtmlBody = "<html><pre>" & ls_text & "</pre></html>"

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