Query Date Range Total



I have a query that shows that total sales by week by item, by store. The
table I am using has the weekly sales for each item for each store. The
query I am usin has a total of 12 fields(dates, Item & Store info, order
amt). I am going to use this query to show any items that have had zero
sales a 26 week period. How do I have the query show a total by item for the
date range I am suggesting? I am just using a > the start date in the query
for the 26 week period. I tried using a SUM in the Total cell in the third
column of the Items Sales field of query but that did not work. View
currently shows the total for each week.


An easy way is to use the query in a report. Copy the Total text box to the
footer and change the Control Source to =Sum([Items Sales]) and it will sum
for the entire report.


OK. How to I tell the report to only show me the totals that are equal to

An easy way is to use the query in a report. Copy the Total text box to the
footer and change the Control Source to =Sum([Items Sales]) and it will sum
for the entire report.

Supe said:
I have a query that shows that total sales by week by item, by store. The
table I am using has the weekly sales for each item for each store. The
query I am usin has a total of 12 fields(dates, Item & Store info, order
amt). I am going to use this query to show any items that have had zero
sales a 26 week period. How do I have the query show a total by item for the
date range I am suggesting? I am just using a > the start date in the query
for the 26 week period. I tried using a SUM in the Total cell in the third
column of the Items Sales field of query but that did not work. View
currently shows the total for each week.


Post your SQL statement.

Supe said:
OK. How to I tell the report to only show me the totals that are equal to

An easy way is to use the query in a report. Copy the Total text box to the
footer and change the Control Source to =Sum([Items Sales]) and it will sum
for the entire report.

Supe said:
I have a query that shows that total sales by week by item, by store. The
table I am using has the weekly sales for each item for each store. The
query I am usin has a total of 12 fields(dates, Item & Store info, order
amt). I am going to use this query to show any items that have had zero
sales a 26 week period. How do I have the query show a total by item for the
date range I am suggesting? I am just using a > the start date in the query
for the 26 week period. I tried using a SUM in the Total cell in the third
column of the Items Sales field of query but that did not work. View
currently shows the total for each week.

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