Queries calculation



I have a table called “openbillsâ€.
I have a query called “billsopenvalueâ€

In the table I have a field where I insert the amount a customer paid – this
can be as well a part payment of the bill.
The query calculates how much is still pending to pay.

Now the problem:
Ie: the total to be paid amount is 1000. The customer paid 100. = Result of
query 900
Now the customer paid another 100 – normally the result of the query should
be 800; but it is again 900 because the resting value is calculated: total to
be paid – paid amount = resting amount. How can I fix after each calculation
the resting amount, so that, if I enter a new payment, it gets calculated
from the fixed resting amount?



Create a query to work out the toal paid (using the primary field of the
client's table) - Totals query.

Use this total in the main query to give you the total owing.

Hope this helps

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