Pushing text in table to form



I have a slight problem that I cannot seem to get my head around. I have a
form that tracks assets assigned to employees. I want to be able to track
the last person who was assigned this asset for future reference. I have set
the employee id field so that when that is changed on the form, it calls a
"add comment" form. The add comment form pulls the serial number from the
original form, sets the date to today and then sends the employee id along
with a brief phrase ("last emp assigned") to the comments field. My problem
is that I want the employee id to be the old one, not the new one...and it
continually copies the new one to the comment field. I cannot figure out
what I need to do here. I believe I should be pushing the data from the
table instead of the form, but do not know the format used to do this. I
know that me.comments=forms!formname!textbox will pull the info from the
table, but that's no good as the info in the form has apparently already been
changed....is there a way to grab this info from the table itself since the
form is still open and has not written the change to the table?????


From your description it sounds like you are triggering your comment form
after the ID has been changed - - I think you have already written over the
old one....

kind of a guess....

try triggering your comment form manually before you change the ID info and
see if it has the old data....

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