Programming issue



Hi ,

ok i posted this email 2 days ago but couldn't get the right answer well i
am going to post it again with more explanation regarding what i have and
what i want to do: i have a big file named Daily.xls which
contains all my data for month like below:

1 ID# PO# REF# P/N Disc Repaire Date ...
2 5645 d654d 65454 hdhd55 awkw 1/1/2010 ...
3 0980 wh32 54252 sk55ss skjss 1/1/2010 ...
4 0980 wh32 54252 sk55ss skjss 1/2/2010 ...
5 0980 wh32 54252 sk55ss skjss 1/2/2010 ...
6 0980 wh32 54252 sk55ss skjss 1/3/2010 ...
7 0980 wh32 54252 sk55ss skjss 1/3/2010 ...

also i have several worksheets for each days of month named 01-Jan 2010-01,
01-Jan 2010-02, 01-Jan 2010-03, ...
with the same fields.
what i want to do is:
write a code to open the big file and select all rows where their repaire
date are 1/1/2010 and copy them then open daily worksheet "01-Jan 2010-01"
and paste
there then active big file and select all rows where their repaire date are
1/2/2010 and copy them then open daily worksheet "01-Jan 2010-02" and paste
there and
so on...
i hope i could explain what i am looking for anyways thanks anybody thatcan
help me on this

Luke M

Can you find anything if you do a Find (searching entire workbook, looking in
formulas) for:


I would try a pivot table option. not sure what version of Excel you are on
, but create a pivot table of all the detail and format it so the repair Date
is at top, page, then you can show pages option which will create a sheet for
each of your page field by that name. If you have excel xp, it may be

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