Procedure that attatches documents you select from a Windows folderto an email.



I was wondering of anyone has code that does something like:

While in MS Access 2003 you prepare an email to send. As one of the
options you check a box to select documents from a Windows folder.
When the folder opens you click on (highlight) the documents you want
using the ctrl key. When you click 'Send' those documents are
attached to the email.

I know that Access uses Outlook for it's email capibility but I
thought this would be a really nice feature.

Thanks for any suggestions!


Daniel Pineault

This can be done. It will require Outlook automation and a file dialog API

For the Outlook automation take a look at

For the file dialog API to allow your users to pick the files take a look at

The above will permit you to allow your users to select file then you need
only pass them to the Outlook function to send the e-mail.
Hope this helps,

Daniel Pineault
For Access Tips and Examples:
Please rate this post using the vote buttons if it was helpful.


This can be done.  It will require Outlook automation and a file dialog API

For the Outlook automation take a look at

For the file dialog API to allow your users to pick the files take a look at

The above will permit you to allow your users to select file then you need
only pass them to the Outlook function to send the e-mail.
Hope this helps,

Daniel Pineault
For Access Tips and Examples:
Please rate this post using the vote buttons if it was helpful.

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Thanks Daniel. These are great examples, but I am looking for an API
that enables you to select multiple emails from the directory at one
time rather than one at a time. Where you can highlight multiple
documents with your control key before sending.

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