I am trying to hide and show certain parts of my code (which I have no
problem doing with DW). In VS 2003, it won't let you use <div
runat="server"> to section of parts of my code in a table. This is during
compilation (build).
My code is:
<TABLE id="Table1" style="WIDTH: 864px; HEIGHT: 177px" cellSpacing="1"
width="864" border="0">
<div ID="LogonPanel" Runat="server">
<TD colSpan="3">
<asp:label id="Label1" runat="server" Height="24px" Font-Bold="True"
Font-Size="Larger">Employee Login</asp:label></TD>
The errors I get are:
1. Could not find any attribute 'Visible' of element 'div'.
2. Per the active schema, the element 'div' cannot be nested within 'table'.
If I change the <div> to <aspanel>, I can't access the Textbox.Text?
It worked fine until I used the Panel. I just put the Panel around the
Logon section and my code wants to access the Textbox that has the user name
in it:
The problem seems to be that when the Panel is not visible anything inside
is not rendered. This is not the case when using <div runat='server'> but
VS won't let me use that.
Or is there something I need to do to tell VS to handle it?
'Document.Forms.0.TextBox1' is null or not an object.
problem doing with DW). In VS 2003, it won't let you use <div
runat="server"> to section of parts of my code in a table. This is during
compilation (build).
My code is:
<TABLE id="Table1" style="WIDTH: 864px; HEIGHT: 177px" cellSpacing="1"
width="864" border="0">
<div ID="LogonPanel" Runat="server">
<TD colSpan="3">
<asp:label id="Label1" runat="server" Height="24px" Font-Bold="True"
Font-Size="Larger">Employee Login</asp:label></TD>
The errors I get are:
1. Could not find any attribute 'Visible' of element 'div'.
2. Per the active schema, the element 'div' cannot be nested within 'table'.
If I change the <div> to <aspanel>, I can't access the Textbox.Text?
It worked fine until I used the Panel. I just put the Panel around the
Logon section and my code wants to access the Textbox that has the user name
in it:
The problem seems to be that when the Panel is not visible anything inside
is not rendered. This is not the case when using <div runat='server'> but
VS won't let me use that.
Or is there something I need to do to tell VS to handle it?
'Document.Forms.0.TextBox1' is null or not an object.