Problems importing xml to access2k



First go with trying to import xml to a database and whilst i have
managed to do what i want i find that the xml files we have here at
work are gonna cause me problems. I have a function that imports any
xml file, at the moment its importing to a hardcoded (name only) table
but i can manage to work out how to take the xml file name and use that

for the table name. My problem is some of the xml files do not follow
the structural conventions that are in place at this office they should

be as below...

<DATAPACKET Version="2.0">
<FIELD attrname="ENG_ID" fieldtype="r8" />
<FIELD attrname="JOB_DATE" fieldtype="dateTime" />
Followed by all the rest of the field names and types
<PARAMS LCID="1033" />

Then tha actual Data
<ROW ENG_ID="45" JOB_DATE="20060329" ACTIVITY_ID="44" QTY="1"

providing that the fields are listed in the top section my function
will create a new table and populate it with the firlds and data from
the xml.

However some xml files have missing field data in the top or bottom
section ie a field is listed in the <fields> section but there is
nothing in the <rowdata> and vice versa. Guys this is so my first go
at this and ive struggled to get this far can anyone point me in the
right direction of how to get round this. Plus if theres anything in
the function that could be improved tell me. I could use the lessons. (

hopes there are no King Black Dragons lurking to flame a dumb nub)
anyway heres the function and ty in anticipation

Private Function ProcessSingleProblemXML(ByVal sFile As String) As
On Error Resume Next
Dim objDomDoc As New DOMDocument
Dim objRoot As IXMLDOMNode
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim child As IXMLDOMNode
Dim c As Integer
Dim r As Integer
Dim Maxc As Integer
Dim Maxr As Integer
Dim FieldNames() As String
Dim FieldType() As String
Dim Records() As String
Dim tdfNew As TableDef
Dim strField As String
Dim strFieldType As String
Dim fldNew As Field

Set dbs = CurrentDb

sFile = cXML_File_Folder & sFile
'If Dir(sFile) = "" Then Exit Function

objDomDoc.async = False
objDomDoc.Load sFile
Set objRoot = objDomDoc.documentElement
'Get No of Records (sure that there is a better way)
Maxr = 0
Maxc = 0
For Each child In objRoot.childNodes(1).childNodes
Maxr = Maxr + 1
For Each child In objRoot.childNodes(0).childNodes(0).childNodes
Maxc = Maxc + 1
Maxc = Maxc - 1
Maxr = Maxr - 1

ReDim FieldNames(Maxc)
ReDim FieldType(Maxc)
ReDim Records(Maxc, Maxr)
'Create fieldname array
c = 0
For Each child In objRoot.childNodes(0).childNodes(0).childNodes
FieldNames(c) = child.Attributes.getNamedItem("attrname").nodeValue

FieldType(c) = child.Attributes.getNamedItem("fieldtype").nodeValue

c = c + 1
'Initialise rowdata array

'Add rowdata to Records Array
c = 0
Do While c <= Maxc
r = 0
For Each child In objRoot.childNodes(1).childNodes
Records(c, r) =
r = r + 1
c = c + 1

'Create table starts here
Set dbs = CurrentDb
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "MyNewTable1"
On Error GoTo 0

Set tdfNew = dbs.CreateTableDef("MyNewTable1")
c = 0
Do While c <= Maxc

strField = FieldNames(c)
strFieldType = FieldType(c)

Select Case strFieldType
Case "r8"
Set fldNew = tdfNew.CreateField(strField, dbText, 50)
Case "dateTime"
Set fldNew = tdfNew.CreateField(strField, dbText, 50)
Case "string"
Set fldNew = tdfNew.CreateField(strField, dbText, 50)
End Select

tdfNew.Fields.Append fldNew

c = c + 1
dbs.TableDefs.Append tdfNew

Set tdfNew = Nothing
Set fldNew = Nothing
'End Create table works up to here
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("MyNewTable1")
r = 0
For r = 0 To Maxr
c = 0
For c = 0 To Maxc
If Records(c, r) <> "1" Then
rst.Fields(FieldNames(c)) = Records(c, r)
rst.Fields(FieldNames(c)) = "N/A"
End If



'If unable to read xml store a detail of why
If Err.Number = 91 Then
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("FIL_IMPRT_ERRRS", dbOpenDynaset)
rst!TYP = "PRBLM"
rst!BAD_FIL_NM = Replace(sFile, "Problem", "Reject")
rst!ERRR_DAT = Now()
Set rst = Nothing

ProcessSingleProblemXML = False
Exit Function
ProcessSingleProblemXML = True
End If

'On Succcess exit function
If Err.Number = 0 Then ProcessSingleProblemXML = True

'Clean up
Set rst = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing
Set objDomDoc = Nothing

End Function

Brendan Reynolds

I don't have a complete answer for you, but it seems to me that the first
step is to determine what action should be taken in response to the two
exceptional circumstances. In other words ...

a) There is a field defined in a FIELD element with no corresponding
attribute in the ROW elements. What should happen under these circumstances?
Should the code not create the field at all? Should the code create the
field and insert Null values in the field?

b) There is an attribute in the ROW elements with no corresponding field
defined in a FIELD element. Should the code not create that field and
discard that data? Should the code create the field using a default data
type? If so, what data type should be used?

You might want to begin by getting a count of the FIELD elements, and a
count of the attributes of the first ROW element. (I'm assuming here that
all ROW elements are consistent. If they're not, you're really in trouble.)
Your code might than branch something like this ...

If fieldCount > attribCount Then
FieldWithoutData objDomDoc
Else If attribCount > fieldCount Then
DataWithoutField objDomDoc
GoodFile objDomDoc
End If

In this example, 'fieldCount' and 'attribCount' would be variables in which
you have stored the number of FIELD elements and number of attributes of the
ROW element, respectively. 'FieldWithoutData' would be a procedure to handle
the situation where there is a FIELD element with no matching attribute.
'DataWithoutField' would be a procedure to handle the situation where there
is an attribute with no matching FIELD element. And 'GoodFile' would be a
procedure to handle the normal case, where FIELD elements and attributes

If you need help with getting the count of the FIELD elements and attributes
of the ROW element, you might want to try asking the question in
microsoft.public.xml. The XML experts who hang out there might be able to
give you a better answer than I could.


Thats a perfect answer enough to get me started on a solution and
plenty for me to figure out along the way.


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