Access 97 iTunes XML import



My goal was to import the iTunes Music Library.xml (generated by iTunes)
into a Access 97 Table.
I couldn't find any useful documentation on how to accomplish this through
Access 97 XML classes,
so I created a simple script that gets the job done without using XML. Just
wondering is there an easier way...
Note on the code:
Create a form with a button, and assign the Command1_Click() event to it.
Specify the XML name and path.
Not all MP3 tags might be reconized, since this code is based on my personal
7000+ mp3 library.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim FieldName(30) As String
Dim DataType(30) As String
Dim DataValue(30) As Variant
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command1_Click

'DoCmd.Hourglass True
DropTable ("tblImportErrors")
DropTable ("tblTracks")
CreateTable ("tblTracks")
LoadFile ("iTunes Music Library.xml")
'DoCmd.Hourglass False
Exit Sub

Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub
Private Sub LoadFile(myFile As String)

Dim myLine As String
Dim FieldCount As Integer
Dim Level As Integer

On Error GoTo Err_ProccessFile
Close #1
Open myFile For Input As #1 ' Open file for input.

FieldCount = -1
Level = 0

'Loop until end of file.
Do While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, myLine

'Change Levels up
If Pos(myLine, "<dict>") <> 0 Then
Level = Level + 1
End If

'Change Levels down
If Pos(myLine, "</dict>") <> 0 Then
Level = Level - 1
' If level drops back to 1 exit
If Level = 1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
'If level drops back to 2 insert record
If Level = 2 Then
InsertData ("tblTracks")
'Cleanup Arrays
For FieldCount = 0 To 30
FieldName(FieldCount) = ""
DataType(FieldCount) = ""
DataValue(FieldCount) = ""
FieldCount = -1
End If
End If

'If level is 3 Gather data
If Level = 3 Then
If Pos(myLine, "</key>") <> 0 Then
FieldCount = FieldCount + 1
DataType(FieldCount) = GetDataType(myLine)
FieldName(FieldCount) = GetField(myLine)
If DataType(FieldCount) = "date" Then
DataValue(FieldCount) = """" &
GetDateRecord(GetRecord(myLine)) & """"
ElseIf DataType(FieldCount) = "string" Then
DataValue(FieldCount) = """" & GetRecord(myLine) & """"
ElseIf DataType(FieldCount) = "integer" Then
DataValue(FieldCount) = GetRecord(myLine)
End If
End If
End If

Close #1
Exit Sub

Call InsertError(Err.Description, FieldCount)
Resume Next

End Sub
Private Function Pos(myLine As String, Tag As String) As Integer

Pos = InStr(1, myLine, Tag, vbTextCompare)

End Function
Private Function GetField(myLine As String) As String

GetField = Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, "<key>", vbTextCompare) + 5,
InStr(1, myLine, "</key>", vbTextCompare) - 6)

End Function
Private Function GetDataType(myLine As String) As String
Dim C1 As String

C1 = Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, "</key>", vbTextCompare) + 6,
GetDataType = Mid(C1, InStr(1, C1, "<", vbTextCompare) + 1, InStr(1, C1,
">", vbTextCompare) - 2)

End Function
Private Function GetRecord(myLine As String) As String
Dim C1 As String
Dim C2 As String
Dim I As Integer

'Convert Double quotes to Single quotes
While InStr(1, myLine, """") > 0
Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, """"), 1) = "'"

C1 = Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, "</key>", vbTextCompare) + 6,
C2 = Mid(C1, InStr(1, C1, ">", vbTextCompare) + 1, Len(myLine))
I = InStr(1, C2, "</")
If I > 0 Then
GetRecord = Left(C2, I - 1)
GetRecord = "" 'does not find the close tag when there is for
example a comma in myLine
End If

End Function
Private Function GetDateRecord(myString As String) As String
'Input 2005-08-11T21:05:05Z'
'Output #2005-08-11 21:05:05#'

Mid(myString, InStr(1, myString, "T"), 1) = " "
Mid(myString, InStr(1, myString, "Z"), 1) = "#"
GetDateRecord = "#" + myString

End Function
Private Function BuildQuery(strTable As String)
Dim FieldCount As Integer
Dim FieldStr As String
Dim DataStr As String

For FieldCount = 0 To 30
If (FieldName(FieldCount) <> "") And (DataValue(FieldCount) <> "")
FieldStr = FieldStr & "[" & FieldName(FieldCount) & "],"
DataStr = DataStr & DataValue(FieldCount) & ","
End If

'Trim last comma
FieldStr = Left(FieldStr, Len(FieldStr) - 1)
DataStr = Left(DataStr, Len(DataStr) - 1)

BuildQuery = "INSERT INTO " & _
strTable & _
"( " & _
FieldStr & _
" )" & _
" VALUES (" & _
DataStr & _
End Function
Private Sub InsertData(strTable As String)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
dbs.Execute BuildQuery(strTable)
Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub
Private Sub InsertError(strError As String, FieldCount As Integer)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
dbs.Execute "INSERT INTO tblImportErrors ([Track ID], [Error]) VALUES ("
& DataValue(0) & ",""" & FieldName(FieldCount) & ":" & strError & """);"
Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub
Private Sub CreateTable(strTable As String)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
'Are there more possible fields as those?
dbs.Execute "CREATE TABLE " & strTable _
& "([Track ID] INTEGER, [Name] TEXT, [Artist] TEXT, [Composer] TEXT,
[Album] TEXT, [Grouping] TEXT, [Genre] TEXT, " _
& " [Kind] TEXT, [Size] INTEGER, [Total Time] INTEGER, [Disc Number]
INTEGER, [Disc Count] INTEGER, " _
& " [Track Number] INTEGER, [Track Count] INTEGER, [Year] INTEGER,
[Date Modified] DATETIME, [Date Added] DATETIME, " _
& " [Bit Rate] INTEGER, [Sample Rate] INTEGER, [Play Count] INTEGER,
[Play Date] INTEGER, [Play Date UTC] DATETIME," _
& " [Rating] INTEGER, [Artwork Count] INTEGER, [Comments] TEXT,
[Season] INTEGER, [Persistent ID] TEXT, [Track Type] TEXT, [Location] TEXT,
" _
& " [File Folder Count] INTEGER, [Library Folder Count] INTEGER);"

dbs.Execute "CREATE INDEX NewIndex ON " & strTable & " ([Track ID]);"

'dbs.Execute "CREATE TABLE tblImportErrors ([Track ID] INTEGER, [Error]

Exit Sub


End Sub
Private Sub DropTable(strTable As String)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
dbs.Execute "DROP TABLE " & strTable & ";"

Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub

Douglas J. Steele

I'm not sure it can be done any better: it's not structured in a manner that
makes sense for Access

What you've got isn't that much different than what I've got.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no private e-mails, please)

Carlo said:
My goal was to import the iTunes Music Library.xml (generated by iTunes)
into a Access 97 Table.
I couldn't find any useful documentation on how to accomplish this through
Access 97 XML classes,
so I created a simple script that gets the job done without using XML.
Just wondering is there an easier way...
Note on the code:
Create a form with a button, and assign the Command1_Click() event to it.
Specify the XML name and path.
Not all MP3 tags might be reconized, since this code is based on my
personal 7000+ mp3 library.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim FieldName(30) As String
Dim DataType(30) As String
Dim DataValue(30) As Variant
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command1_Click

'DoCmd.Hourglass True
DropTable ("tblImportErrors")
DropTable ("tblTracks")
CreateTable ("tblTracks")
LoadFile ("iTunes Music Library.xml")
'DoCmd.Hourglass False
Exit Sub

Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub
Private Sub LoadFile(myFile As String)

Dim myLine As String
Dim FieldCount As Integer
Dim Level As Integer

On Error GoTo Err_ProccessFile
Close #1
Open myFile For Input As #1 ' Open file for input.

FieldCount = -1
Level = 0

'Loop until end of file.
Do While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, myLine

'Change Levels up
If Pos(myLine, "<dict>") <> 0 Then
Level = Level + 1
End If

'Change Levels down
If Pos(myLine, "</dict>") <> 0 Then
Level = Level - 1
' If level drops back to 1 exit
If Level = 1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
'If level drops back to 2 insert record
If Level = 2 Then
InsertData ("tblTracks")
'Cleanup Arrays
For FieldCount = 0 To 30
FieldName(FieldCount) = ""
DataType(FieldCount) = ""
DataValue(FieldCount) = ""
FieldCount = -1
End If
End If

'If level is 3 Gather data
If Level = 3 Then
If Pos(myLine, "</key>") <> 0 Then
FieldCount = FieldCount + 1
DataType(FieldCount) = GetDataType(myLine)
FieldName(FieldCount) = GetField(myLine)
If DataType(FieldCount) = "date" Then
DataValue(FieldCount) = """" &
GetDateRecord(GetRecord(myLine)) & """"
ElseIf DataType(FieldCount) = "string" Then
DataValue(FieldCount) = """" & GetRecord(myLine) & """"
ElseIf DataType(FieldCount) = "integer" Then
DataValue(FieldCount) = GetRecord(myLine)
End If
End If
End If

Close #1
Exit Sub

Call InsertError(Err.Description, FieldCount)
Resume Next

End Sub
Private Function Pos(myLine As String, Tag As String) As Integer

Pos = InStr(1, myLine, Tag, vbTextCompare)

End Function
Private Function GetField(myLine As String) As String

GetField = Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, "<key>", vbTextCompare) + 5,
InStr(1, myLine, "</key>", vbTextCompare) - 6)

End Function
Private Function GetDataType(myLine As String) As String
Dim C1 As String

C1 = Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, "</key>", vbTextCompare) + 6,
GetDataType = Mid(C1, InStr(1, C1, "<", vbTextCompare) + 1, InStr(1,
">", vbTextCompare) - 2)

End Function
Private Function GetRecord(myLine As String) As String
Dim C1 As String
Dim C2 As String
Dim I As Integer

'Convert Double quotes to Single quotes
While InStr(1, myLine, """") > 0
Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, """"), 1) = "'"

C1 = Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, "</key>", vbTextCompare) + 6,
C2 = Mid(C1, InStr(1, C1, ">", vbTextCompare) + 1, Len(myLine))
I = InStr(1, C2, "</")
If I > 0 Then
GetRecord = Left(C2, I - 1)
GetRecord = "" 'does not find the close tag when there is for
example a comma in myLine
End If

End Function
Private Function GetDateRecord(myString As String) As String
'Input 2005-08-11T21:05:05Z'
'Output #2005-08-11 21:05:05#'

Mid(myString, InStr(1, myString, "T"), 1) = " "
Mid(myString, InStr(1, myString, "Z"), 1) = "#"
GetDateRecord = "#" + myString

End Function
Private Function BuildQuery(strTable As String)
Dim FieldCount As Integer
Dim FieldStr As String
Dim DataStr As String

For FieldCount = 0 To 30
If (FieldName(FieldCount) <> "") And (DataValue(FieldCount) <> "")
FieldStr = FieldStr & "[" & FieldName(FieldCount) & "],"
DataStr = DataStr & DataValue(FieldCount) & ","
End If

'Trim last comma
FieldStr = Left(FieldStr, Len(FieldStr) - 1)
DataStr = Left(DataStr, Len(DataStr) - 1)

BuildQuery = "INSERT INTO " & _
strTable & _
"( " & _
FieldStr & _
" )" & _
" VALUES (" & _
DataStr & _
End Function
Private Sub InsertData(strTable As String)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
dbs.Execute BuildQuery(strTable)
Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub
Private Sub InsertError(strError As String, FieldCount As Integer)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
dbs.Execute "INSERT INTO tblImportErrors ([Track ID], [Error]) VALUES
& DataValue(0) & ",""" & FieldName(FieldCount) & ":" & strError & """);"
Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub
Private Sub CreateTable(strTable As String)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
'Are there more possible fields as those?
dbs.Execute "CREATE TABLE " & strTable _
& "([Track ID] INTEGER, [Name] TEXT, [Artist] TEXT, [Composer]
[Album] TEXT, [Grouping] TEXT, [Genre] TEXT, " _
& " [Kind] TEXT, [Size] INTEGER, [Total Time] INTEGER, [Disc
INTEGER, [Disc Count] INTEGER, " _
& " [Track Number] INTEGER, [Track Count] INTEGER, [Year] INTEGER,
[Date Modified] DATETIME, [Date Added] DATETIME, " _
& " [Bit Rate] INTEGER, [Sample Rate] INTEGER, [Play Count]
[Play Date] INTEGER, [Play Date UTC] DATETIME," _
& " [Rating] INTEGER, [Artwork Count] INTEGER, [Comments] TEXT,
[Season] INTEGER, [Persistent ID] TEXT, [Track Type] TEXT, [Location]
" _
& " [File Folder Count] INTEGER, [Library Folder Count] INTEGER);"

dbs.Execute "CREATE INDEX NewIndex ON " & strTable & " ([Track ID]);"

'dbs.Execute "CREATE TABLE tblImportErrors ([Track ID] INTEGER, [Error]

Exit Sub


End Sub
Private Sub DropTable(strTable As String)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
dbs.Execute "DROP TABLE " & strTable & ";"

Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub

Brendan Reynolds

There aren't any Access 97 XML classes, Carlo. Almost no-one had heard of
XML back when Access 97 was released. (The working group that developed the
XML standard was only formed in 1996 - see There's much better support
for XML in later versions, particularly in Access 2003.
Brendan Reynolds
Access MVP

Carlo said:
My goal was to import the iTunes Music Library.xml (generated by iTunes)
into a Access 97 Table.
I couldn't find any useful documentation on how to accomplish this through
Access 97 XML classes,
so I created a simple script that gets the job done without using XML.
Just wondering is there an easier way...
Note on the code:
Create a form with a button, and assign the Command1_Click() event to it.
Specify the XML name and path.
Not all MP3 tags might be reconized, since this code is based on my
personal 7000+ mp3 library.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim FieldName(30) As String
Dim DataType(30) As String
Dim DataValue(30) As Variant
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command1_Click

'DoCmd.Hourglass True
DropTable ("tblImportErrors")
DropTable ("tblTracks")
CreateTable ("tblTracks")
LoadFile ("iTunes Music Library.xml")
'DoCmd.Hourglass False
Exit Sub

Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub
Private Sub LoadFile(myFile As String)

Dim myLine As String
Dim FieldCount As Integer
Dim Level As Integer

On Error GoTo Err_ProccessFile
Close #1
Open myFile For Input As #1 ' Open file for input.

FieldCount = -1
Level = 0

'Loop until end of file.
Do While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, myLine

'Change Levels up
If Pos(myLine, "<dict>") <> 0 Then
Level = Level + 1
End If

'Change Levels down
If Pos(myLine, "</dict>") <> 0 Then
Level = Level - 1
' If level drops back to 1 exit
If Level = 1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
'If level drops back to 2 insert record
If Level = 2 Then
InsertData ("tblTracks")
'Cleanup Arrays
For FieldCount = 0 To 30
FieldName(FieldCount) = ""
DataType(FieldCount) = ""
DataValue(FieldCount) = ""
FieldCount = -1
End If
End If

'If level is 3 Gather data
If Level = 3 Then
If Pos(myLine, "</key>") <> 0 Then
FieldCount = FieldCount + 1
DataType(FieldCount) = GetDataType(myLine)
FieldName(FieldCount) = GetField(myLine)
If DataType(FieldCount) = "date" Then
DataValue(FieldCount) = """" &
GetDateRecord(GetRecord(myLine)) & """"
ElseIf DataType(FieldCount) = "string" Then
DataValue(FieldCount) = """" & GetRecord(myLine) & """"
ElseIf DataType(FieldCount) = "integer" Then
DataValue(FieldCount) = GetRecord(myLine)
End If
End If
End If

Close #1
Exit Sub

Call InsertError(Err.Description, FieldCount)
Resume Next

End Sub
Private Function Pos(myLine As String, Tag As String) As Integer

Pos = InStr(1, myLine, Tag, vbTextCompare)

End Function
Private Function GetField(myLine As String) As String

GetField = Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, "<key>", vbTextCompare) + 5,
InStr(1, myLine, "</key>", vbTextCompare) - 6)

End Function
Private Function GetDataType(myLine As String) As String
Dim C1 As String

C1 = Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, "</key>", vbTextCompare) + 6,
GetDataType = Mid(C1, InStr(1, C1, "<", vbTextCompare) + 1, InStr(1,
">", vbTextCompare) - 2)

End Function
Private Function GetRecord(myLine As String) As String
Dim C1 As String
Dim C2 As String
Dim I As Integer

'Convert Double quotes to Single quotes
While InStr(1, myLine, """") > 0
Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, """"), 1) = "'"

C1 = Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, "</key>", vbTextCompare) + 6,
C2 = Mid(C1, InStr(1, C1, ">", vbTextCompare) + 1, Len(myLine))
I = InStr(1, C2, "</")
If I > 0 Then
GetRecord = Left(C2, I - 1)
GetRecord = "" 'does not find the close tag when there is for
example a comma in myLine
End If

End Function
Private Function GetDateRecord(myString As String) As String
'Input 2005-08-11T21:05:05Z'
'Output #2005-08-11 21:05:05#'

Mid(myString, InStr(1, myString, "T"), 1) = " "
Mid(myString, InStr(1, myString, "Z"), 1) = "#"
GetDateRecord = "#" + myString

End Function
Private Function BuildQuery(strTable As String)
Dim FieldCount As Integer
Dim FieldStr As String
Dim DataStr As String

For FieldCount = 0 To 30
If (FieldName(FieldCount) <> "") And (DataValue(FieldCount) <> "")
FieldStr = FieldStr & "[" & FieldName(FieldCount) & "],"
DataStr = DataStr & DataValue(FieldCount) & ","
End If

'Trim last comma
FieldStr = Left(FieldStr, Len(FieldStr) - 1)
DataStr = Left(DataStr, Len(DataStr) - 1)

BuildQuery = "INSERT INTO " & _
strTable & _
"( " & _
FieldStr & _
" )" & _
" VALUES (" & _
DataStr & _
End Function
Private Sub InsertData(strTable As String)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
dbs.Execute BuildQuery(strTable)
Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub
Private Sub InsertError(strError As String, FieldCount As Integer)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
dbs.Execute "INSERT INTO tblImportErrors ([Track ID], [Error]) VALUES
& DataValue(0) & ",""" & FieldName(FieldCount) & ":" & strError & """);"
Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub
Private Sub CreateTable(strTable As String)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
'Are there more possible fields as those?
dbs.Execute "CREATE TABLE " & strTable _
& "([Track ID] INTEGER, [Name] TEXT, [Artist] TEXT, [Composer]
[Album] TEXT, [Grouping] TEXT, [Genre] TEXT, " _
& " [Kind] TEXT, [Size] INTEGER, [Total Time] INTEGER, [Disc
INTEGER, [Disc Count] INTEGER, " _
& " [Track Number] INTEGER, [Track Count] INTEGER, [Year] INTEGER,
[Date Modified] DATETIME, [Date Added] DATETIME, " _
& " [Bit Rate] INTEGER, [Sample Rate] INTEGER, [Play Count]
[Play Date] INTEGER, [Play Date UTC] DATETIME," _
& " [Rating] INTEGER, [Artwork Count] INTEGER, [Comments] TEXT,
[Season] INTEGER, [Persistent ID] TEXT, [Track Type] TEXT, [Location]
" _
& " [File Folder Count] INTEGER, [Library Folder Count] INTEGER);"

dbs.Execute "CREATE INDEX NewIndex ON " & strTable & " ([Track ID]);"

'dbs.Execute "CREATE TABLE tblImportErrors ([Track ID] INTEGER, [Error]

Exit Sub


End Sub
Private Sub DropTable(strTable As String)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
dbs.Execute "DROP TABLE " & strTable & ";"

Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub

Douglas J. Steele

Doesn't really matter in this case, though, Brendan. The iTunes XML is
definitely non-standard.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no private e-mails, please)

Brendan Reynolds said:
There aren't any Access 97 XML classes, Carlo. Almost no-one had heard of
XML back when Access 97 was released. (The working group that developed
the XML standard was only formed in 1996 - see There's much better
support for XML in later versions, particularly in Access 2003.
Brendan Reynolds
Access MVP

Carlo said:
My goal was to import the iTunes Music Library.xml (generated by iTunes)
into a Access 97 Table.
I couldn't find any useful documentation on how to accomplish this
through Access 97 XML classes,
so I created a simple script that gets the job done without using XML.
Just wondering is there an easier way...
Note on the code:
Create a form with a button, and assign the Command1_Click() event to it.
Specify the XML name and path.
Not all MP3 tags might be reconized, since this code is based on my
personal 7000+ mp3 library.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim FieldName(30) As String
Dim DataType(30) As String
Dim DataValue(30) As Variant
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command1_Click

'DoCmd.Hourglass True
DropTable ("tblImportErrors")
DropTable ("tblTracks")
CreateTable ("tblTracks")
LoadFile ("iTunes Music Library.xml")
'DoCmd.Hourglass False
Exit Sub

Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub
Private Sub LoadFile(myFile As String)

Dim myLine As String
Dim FieldCount As Integer
Dim Level As Integer

On Error GoTo Err_ProccessFile
Close #1
Open myFile For Input As #1 ' Open file for input.

FieldCount = -1
Level = 0

'Loop until end of file.
Do While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, myLine

'Change Levels up
If Pos(myLine, "<dict>") <> 0 Then
Level = Level + 1
End If

'Change Levels down
If Pos(myLine, "</dict>") <> 0 Then
Level = Level - 1
' If level drops back to 1 exit
If Level = 1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
'If level drops back to 2 insert record
If Level = 2 Then
InsertData ("tblTracks")
'Cleanup Arrays
For FieldCount = 0 To 30
FieldName(FieldCount) = ""
DataType(FieldCount) = ""
DataValue(FieldCount) = ""
FieldCount = -1
End If
End If

'If level is 3 Gather data
If Level = 3 Then
If Pos(myLine, "</key>") <> 0 Then
FieldCount = FieldCount + 1
DataType(FieldCount) = GetDataType(myLine)
FieldName(FieldCount) = GetField(myLine)
If DataType(FieldCount) = "date" Then
DataValue(FieldCount) = """" &
GetDateRecord(GetRecord(myLine)) & """"
ElseIf DataType(FieldCount) = "string" Then
DataValue(FieldCount) = """" & GetRecord(myLine) &
ElseIf DataType(FieldCount) = "integer" Then
DataValue(FieldCount) = GetRecord(myLine)
End If
End If
End If

Close #1
Exit Sub

Call InsertError(Err.Description, FieldCount)
Resume Next

End Sub
Private Function Pos(myLine As String, Tag As String) As Integer

Pos = InStr(1, myLine, Tag, vbTextCompare)

End Function
Private Function GetField(myLine As String) As String

GetField = Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, "<key>", vbTextCompare) + 5,
InStr(1, myLine, "</key>", vbTextCompare) - 6)

End Function
Private Function GetDataType(myLine As String) As String
Dim C1 As String

C1 = Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, "</key>", vbTextCompare) + 6,
GetDataType = Mid(C1, InStr(1, C1, "<", vbTextCompare) + 1, InStr(1,
">", vbTextCompare) - 2)

End Function
Private Function GetRecord(myLine As String) As String
Dim C1 As String
Dim C2 As String
Dim I As Integer

'Convert Double quotes to Single quotes
While InStr(1, myLine, """") > 0
Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, """"), 1) = "'"

C1 = Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, "</key>", vbTextCompare) + 6,
C2 = Mid(C1, InStr(1, C1, ">", vbTextCompare) + 1, Len(myLine))
I = InStr(1, C2, "</")
If I > 0 Then
GetRecord = Left(C2, I - 1)
GetRecord = "" 'does not find the close tag when there is for
example a comma in myLine
End If

End Function
Private Function GetDateRecord(myString As String) As String
'Input 2005-08-11T21:05:05Z'
'Output #2005-08-11 21:05:05#'

Mid(myString, InStr(1, myString, "T"), 1) = " "
Mid(myString, InStr(1, myString, "Z"), 1) = "#"
GetDateRecord = "#" + myString

End Function
Private Function BuildQuery(strTable As String)
Dim FieldCount As Integer
Dim FieldStr As String
Dim DataStr As String

For FieldCount = 0 To 30
If (FieldName(FieldCount) <> "") And (DataValue(FieldCount) <> "")
FieldStr = FieldStr & "[" & FieldName(FieldCount) & "],"
DataStr = DataStr & DataValue(FieldCount) & ","
End If

'Trim last comma
FieldStr = Left(FieldStr, Len(FieldStr) - 1)
DataStr = Left(DataStr, Len(DataStr) - 1)

BuildQuery = "INSERT INTO " & _
strTable & _
"( " & _
FieldStr & _
" )" & _
" VALUES (" & _
DataStr & _
End Function
Private Sub InsertData(strTable As String)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
dbs.Execute BuildQuery(strTable)
Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub
Private Sub InsertError(strError As String, FieldCount As Integer)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
dbs.Execute "INSERT INTO tblImportErrors ([Track ID], [Error]) VALUES
& DataValue(0) & ",""" & FieldName(FieldCount) & ":" & strError & """);"
Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub
Private Sub CreateTable(strTable As String)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
'Are there more possible fields as those?
dbs.Execute "CREATE TABLE " & strTable _
& "([Track ID] INTEGER, [Name] TEXT, [Artist] TEXT, [Composer]
[Album] TEXT, [Grouping] TEXT, [Genre] TEXT, " _
& " [Kind] TEXT, [Size] INTEGER, [Total Time] INTEGER, [Disc
INTEGER, [Disc Count] INTEGER, " _
& " [Track Number] INTEGER, [Track Count] INTEGER, [Year] INTEGER,
[Date Modified] DATETIME, [Date Added] DATETIME, " _
& " [Bit Rate] INTEGER, [Sample Rate] INTEGER, [Play Count]
[Play Date] INTEGER, [Play Date UTC] DATETIME," _
& " [Rating] INTEGER, [Artwork Count] INTEGER, [Comments] TEXT,
[Season] INTEGER, [Persistent ID] TEXT, [Track Type] TEXT, [Location]
" _
& " [File Folder Count] INTEGER, [Library Folder Count] INTEGER);"

dbs.Execute "CREATE INDEX NewIndex ON " & strTable & " ([Track ID]);"

'dbs.Execute "CREATE TABLE tblImportErrors ([Track ID] INTEGER,

Exit Sub


End Sub
Private Sub DropTable(strTable As String)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
dbs.Execute "DROP TABLE " & strTable & ";"

Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub

Brendan Reynolds

If it is valid XML (and it appears to be) then you could use XSLT to
transform it into something that Access could work with. Whether there would
be any significant advantage in doing so, though, I can't say.

Brendan Reynolds
Access MVP

Douglas J. Steele said:
Doesn't really matter in this case, though, Brendan. The iTunes XML is
definitely non-standard.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no private e-mails, please)

Brendan Reynolds said:
There aren't any Access 97 XML classes, Carlo. Almost no-one had heard of
XML back when Access 97 was released. (The working group that developed
the XML standard was only formed in 1996 - see There's much better
support for XML in later versions, particularly in Access 2003.
Brendan Reynolds
Access MVP

Carlo said:
My goal was to import the iTunes Music Library.xml (generated by iTunes)
into a Access 97 Table.
I couldn't find any useful documentation on how to accomplish this
through Access 97 XML classes,
so I created a simple script that gets the job done without using XML.
Just wondering is there an easier way...
Note on the code:
Create a form with a button, and assign the Command1_Click() event to
Specify the XML name and path.
Not all MP3 tags might be reconized, since this code is based on my
personal 7000+ mp3 library.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim FieldName(30) As String
Dim DataType(30) As String
Dim DataValue(30) As Variant
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command1_Click

'DoCmd.Hourglass True
DropTable ("tblImportErrors")
DropTable ("tblTracks")
CreateTable ("tblTracks")
LoadFile ("iTunes Music Library.xml")
'DoCmd.Hourglass False
Exit Sub

Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub
Private Sub LoadFile(myFile As String)

Dim myLine As String
Dim FieldCount As Integer
Dim Level As Integer

On Error GoTo Err_ProccessFile
Close #1
Open myFile For Input As #1 ' Open file for input.

FieldCount = -1
Level = 0

'Loop until end of file.
Do While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, myLine

'Change Levels up
If Pos(myLine, "<dict>") <> 0 Then
Level = Level + 1
End If

'Change Levels down
If Pos(myLine, "</dict>") <> 0 Then
Level = Level - 1
' If level drops back to 1 exit
If Level = 1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
'If level drops back to 2 insert record
If Level = 2 Then
InsertData ("tblTracks")
'Cleanup Arrays
For FieldCount = 0 To 30
FieldName(FieldCount) = ""
DataType(FieldCount) = ""
DataValue(FieldCount) = ""
FieldCount = -1
End If
End If

'If level is 3 Gather data
If Level = 3 Then
If Pos(myLine, "</key>") <> 0 Then
FieldCount = FieldCount + 1
DataType(FieldCount) = GetDataType(myLine)
FieldName(FieldCount) = GetField(myLine)
If DataType(FieldCount) = "date" Then
DataValue(FieldCount) = """" &
GetDateRecord(GetRecord(myLine)) & """"
ElseIf DataType(FieldCount) = "string" Then
DataValue(FieldCount) = """" & GetRecord(myLine) &
ElseIf DataType(FieldCount) = "integer" Then
DataValue(FieldCount) = GetRecord(myLine)
End If
End If
End If

Close #1
Exit Sub

Call InsertError(Err.Description, FieldCount)
Resume Next

End Sub
Private Function Pos(myLine As String, Tag As String) As Integer

Pos = InStr(1, myLine, Tag, vbTextCompare)

End Function
Private Function GetField(myLine As String) As String

GetField = Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, "<key>", vbTextCompare) + 5,
InStr(1, myLine, "</key>", vbTextCompare) - 6)

End Function
Private Function GetDataType(myLine As String) As String
Dim C1 As String

C1 = Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, "</key>", vbTextCompare) + 6,
GetDataType = Mid(C1, InStr(1, C1, "<", vbTextCompare) + 1, InStr(1,
">", vbTextCompare) - 2)

End Function
Private Function GetRecord(myLine As String) As String
Dim C1 As String
Dim C2 As String
Dim I As Integer

'Convert Double quotes to Single quotes
While InStr(1, myLine, """") > 0
Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, """"), 1) = "'"

C1 = Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, "</key>", vbTextCompare) + 6,
C2 = Mid(C1, InStr(1, C1, ">", vbTextCompare) + 1, Len(myLine))
I = InStr(1, C2, "</")
If I > 0 Then
GetRecord = Left(C2, I - 1)
GetRecord = "" 'does not find the close tag when there is for
example a comma in myLine
End If

End Function
Private Function GetDateRecord(myString As String) As String
'Input 2005-08-11T21:05:05Z'
'Output #2005-08-11 21:05:05#'

Mid(myString, InStr(1, myString, "T"), 1) = " "
Mid(myString, InStr(1, myString, "Z"), 1) = "#"
GetDateRecord = "#" + myString

End Function
Private Function BuildQuery(strTable As String)
Dim FieldCount As Integer
Dim FieldStr As String
Dim DataStr As String

For FieldCount = 0 To 30
If (FieldName(FieldCount) <> "") And (DataValue(FieldCount) <>
FieldStr = FieldStr & "[" & FieldName(FieldCount) & "],"
DataStr = DataStr & DataValue(FieldCount) & ","
End If

'Trim last comma
FieldStr = Left(FieldStr, Len(FieldStr) - 1)
DataStr = Left(DataStr, Len(DataStr) - 1)

BuildQuery = "INSERT INTO " & _
strTable & _
"( " & _
FieldStr & _
" )" & _
" VALUES (" & _
DataStr & _
End Function
Private Sub InsertData(strTable As String)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
dbs.Execute BuildQuery(strTable)
Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub
Private Sub InsertError(strError As String, FieldCount As Integer)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
dbs.Execute "INSERT INTO tblImportErrors ([Track ID], [Error]) VALUES
& DataValue(0) & ",""" & FieldName(FieldCount) & ":" & strError & """);"
Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub
Private Sub CreateTable(strTable As String)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
'Are there more possible fields as those?
dbs.Execute "CREATE TABLE " & strTable _
& "([Track ID] INTEGER, [Name] TEXT, [Artist] TEXT, [Composer]
[Album] TEXT, [Grouping] TEXT, [Genre] TEXT, " _
& " [Kind] TEXT, [Size] INTEGER, [Total Time] INTEGER, [Disc
INTEGER, [Disc Count] INTEGER, " _
& " [Track Number] INTEGER, [Track Count] INTEGER, [Year]
[Date Modified] DATETIME, [Date Added] DATETIME, " _
& " [Bit Rate] INTEGER, [Sample Rate] INTEGER, [Play Count]
[Play Date] INTEGER, [Play Date UTC] DATETIME," _
& " [Rating] INTEGER, [Artwork Count] INTEGER, [Comments] TEXT,
[Season] INTEGER, [Persistent ID] TEXT, [Track Type] TEXT, [Location]
" _
& " [File Folder Count] INTEGER, [Library Folder Count]

dbs.Execute "CREATE INDEX NewIndex ON " & strTable & " ([Track ID]);"

'dbs.Execute "CREATE TABLE tblImportErrors ([Track ID] INTEGER,

Exit Sub


End Sub
Private Sub DropTable(strTable As String)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
dbs.Execute "DROP TABLE " & strTable & ";"

Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub

Douglas J Steele

I actually worked with an XML guru on this one, and he didn't seem to think
it would be possible. (and yes, it is valid XML)

Of course, both of us were just doing it for fun. If there'd been money
involved, we might have cracked it. <g>

Brendan Reynolds

I originally thought it might be a fun weekend project, but after I looked
at a sample of the XML, my enthusiasm for that idea dissipated rather
quickly. This despite the fact that I'm desperate for any excuse to avoid
spending the weekend stripping wallpaper! :-(


Thanks Doug and Brendan! I'll take your word for it!
Not sure it be worth the effort but maybe I try something in Access 2003
later on.


Douglas J. Steele said:
I'm not sure it can be done any better: it's not structured in a manner
that makes sense for Access

What you've got isn't that much different than what I've got.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no private e-mails, please)

Carlo said:
My goal was to import the iTunes Music Library.xml (generated by iTunes)
into a Access 97 Table.
I couldn't find any useful documentation on how to accomplish this
through Access 97 XML classes,
so I created a simple script that gets the job done without using XML.
Just wondering is there an easier way...
Note on the code:
Create a form with a button, and assign the Command1_Click() event to it.
Specify the XML name and path.
Not all MP3 tags might be reconized, since this code is based on my
personal 7000+ mp3 library.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim FieldName(30) As String
Dim DataType(30) As String
Dim DataValue(30) As Variant
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command1_Click

'DoCmd.Hourglass True
DropTable ("tblImportErrors")
DropTable ("tblTracks")
CreateTable ("tblTracks")
LoadFile ("iTunes Music Library.xml")
'DoCmd.Hourglass False
Exit Sub

Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub
Private Sub LoadFile(myFile As String)

Dim myLine As String
Dim FieldCount As Integer
Dim Level As Integer

On Error GoTo Err_ProccessFile
Close #1
Open myFile For Input As #1 ' Open file for input.

FieldCount = -1
Level = 0

'Loop until end of file.
Do While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, myLine

'Change Levels up
If Pos(myLine, "<dict>") <> 0 Then
Level = Level + 1
End If

'Change Levels down
If Pos(myLine, "</dict>") <> 0 Then
Level = Level - 1
' If level drops back to 1 exit
If Level = 1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
'If level drops back to 2 insert record
If Level = 2 Then
InsertData ("tblTracks")
'Cleanup Arrays
For FieldCount = 0 To 30
FieldName(FieldCount) = ""
DataType(FieldCount) = ""
DataValue(FieldCount) = ""
FieldCount = -1
End If
End If

'If level is 3 Gather data
If Level = 3 Then
If Pos(myLine, "</key>") <> 0 Then
FieldCount = FieldCount + 1
DataType(FieldCount) = GetDataType(myLine)
FieldName(FieldCount) = GetField(myLine)
If DataType(FieldCount) = "date" Then
DataValue(FieldCount) = """" &
GetDateRecord(GetRecord(myLine)) & """"
ElseIf DataType(FieldCount) = "string" Then
DataValue(FieldCount) = """" & GetRecord(myLine) &
ElseIf DataType(FieldCount) = "integer" Then
DataValue(FieldCount) = GetRecord(myLine)
End If
End If
End If

Close #1
Exit Sub

Call InsertError(Err.Description, FieldCount)
Resume Next

End Sub
Private Function Pos(myLine As String, Tag As String) As Integer

Pos = InStr(1, myLine, Tag, vbTextCompare)

End Function
Private Function GetField(myLine As String) As String

GetField = Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, "<key>", vbTextCompare) + 5,
InStr(1, myLine, "</key>", vbTextCompare) - 6)

End Function
Private Function GetDataType(myLine As String) As String
Dim C1 As String

C1 = Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, "</key>", vbTextCompare) + 6,
GetDataType = Mid(C1, InStr(1, C1, "<", vbTextCompare) + 1, InStr(1,
">", vbTextCompare) - 2)

End Function
Private Function GetRecord(myLine As String) As String
Dim C1 As String
Dim C2 As String
Dim I As Integer

'Convert Double quotes to Single quotes
While InStr(1, myLine, """") > 0
Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, """"), 1) = "'"

C1 = Mid(myLine, InStr(1, myLine, "</key>", vbTextCompare) + 6,
C2 = Mid(C1, InStr(1, C1, ">", vbTextCompare) + 1, Len(myLine))
I = InStr(1, C2, "</")
If I > 0 Then
GetRecord = Left(C2, I - 1)
GetRecord = "" 'does not find the close tag when there is for
example a comma in myLine
End If

End Function
Private Function GetDateRecord(myString As String) As String
'Input 2005-08-11T21:05:05Z'
'Output #2005-08-11 21:05:05#'

Mid(myString, InStr(1, myString, "T"), 1) = " "
Mid(myString, InStr(1, myString, "Z"), 1) = "#"
GetDateRecord = "#" + myString

End Function
Private Function BuildQuery(strTable As String)
Dim FieldCount As Integer
Dim FieldStr As String
Dim DataStr As String

For FieldCount = 0 To 30
If (FieldName(FieldCount) <> "") And (DataValue(FieldCount) <> "")
FieldStr = FieldStr & "[" & FieldName(FieldCount) & "],"
DataStr = DataStr & DataValue(FieldCount) & ","
End If

'Trim last comma
FieldStr = Left(FieldStr, Len(FieldStr) - 1)
DataStr = Left(DataStr, Len(DataStr) - 1)

BuildQuery = "INSERT INTO " & _
strTable & _
"( " & _
FieldStr & _
" )" & _
" VALUES (" & _
DataStr & _
End Function
Private Sub InsertData(strTable As String)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
dbs.Execute BuildQuery(strTable)
Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub
Private Sub InsertError(strError As String, FieldCount As Integer)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
dbs.Execute "INSERT INTO tblImportErrors ([Track ID], [Error]) VALUES
& DataValue(0) & ",""" & FieldName(FieldCount) & ":" & strError & """);"
Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub
Private Sub CreateTable(strTable As String)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
'Are there more possible fields as those?
dbs.Execute "CREATE TABLE " & strTable _
& "([Track ID] INTEGER, [Name] TEXT, [Artist] TEXT, [Composer]
[Album] TEXT, [Grouping] TEXT, [Genre] TEXT, " _
& " [Kind] TEXT, [Size] INTEGER, [Total Time] INTEGER, [Disc
INTEGER, [Disc Count] INTEGER, " _
& " [Track Number] INTEGER, [Track Count] INTEGER, [Year] INTEGER,
[Date Modified] DATETIME, [Date Added] DATETIME, " _
& " [Bit Rate] INTEGER, [Sample Rate] INTEGER, [Play Count]
[Play Date] INTEGER, [Play Date UTC] DATETIME," _
& " [Rating] INTEGER, [Artwork Count] INTEGER, [Comments] TEXT,
[Season] INTEGER, [Persistent ID] TEXT, [Track Type] TEXT, [Location]
" _
& " [File Folder Count] INTEGER, [Library Folder Count] INTEGER);"

dbs.Execute "CREATE INDEX NewIndex ON " & strTable & " ([Track ID]);"

'dbs.Execute "CREATE TABLE tblImportErrors ([Track ID] INTEGER,

Exit Sub


End Sub
Private Sub DropTable(strTable As String)

Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
dbs.Execute "DROP TABLE " & strTable & ";"

Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub

John Vinson

I originally thought it might be a fun weekend project, but after I looked
at a sample of the XML, my enthusiasm for that idea dissipated rather
quickly. This despite the fact that I'm desperate for any excuse to avoid
spending the weekend stripping wallpaper! :-(

wow... that must be some BAD XML!! <g>

I guess it depends on the wallpaper and whether you have a
professional-grade steamer or just a blade, but...!

John W. Vinson[MVP]

Brendan Reynolds

It's bad, yes.

Does 'professional grade' mean 'leave it too long in one place and it'll
take the plaster off as well as the wallpaper'? 'Cos if it does, that's what
I've got! :-(

John Vinson

It's bad, yes.

Does 'professional grade' mean 'leave it too long in one place and it'll
take the plaster off as well as the wallpaper'? 'Cos if it does, that's what
I've got! :-(


Yep. Like the drum sander... that would end up in the basement in
about 45 seconds if you lost your grip on it...

John W. Vinson[MVP]

Brendan Reynolds

What we need is an operating system for steamers and sanders. <Thinks about
bugs and crashes.> Or then again, perhaps not!

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