Problems Accessing Control Panel



Whenever I try to access the control panel, no matter which way I do it, it
crashes explorer.exe. Lovely. When I get details on the crash (provided by
MS's own bug reporting system), the ModName comes up with all different kinds
of things; often it's Shell32.dll, but it can be other things like "unknown".
This *only* happens when trying to get into my control panels; I can navigate
every where else easily.

If anyone would like more information to help me diagnose this badboy
(likely), just respond and I'll do what I can!

Thanks in advance.


Ok, I go to website and I go to 256 but all I get is a browser with text on
it for the Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00. I understand this is the
fix but what do I do with it? Please help

Mark L. Ferguson

save that text in a notepad file, named RegistryFix.REG, open a command
prompt to whatever folder it was saved to, and type

regedt32 RegistryFix.reg

to run the file


Ok, I did this i got the regedit done and now my control panel is gone and it
says there are restrictions when I try to go into set program access and
defaults etc. What now how do I get my control panel back?

Mark L. Ferguson

Since I don't know what you did to your system, I don't have any way to know
what your need to do next. You have something installed into your registry
or Policy that has changed the default Permissions. Only you are going to be
able to find out what that is, without local help that can look into it for

Something changed how registry files run, just for starters, indicating a
virus. I would use your Recovery options, like perhaps installing Windows to
a new folder, and "taking ownership' of the old data.

HOW TO Take Ownership of a File or Folder in Windows XP:;EN-US;Q308421

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