Problem with option group


Brent Strignano

Hello All,

I am having a very strange problem with option groups on my
(custom)switchboard form. You can select an option in the group but then the
control becomes unresponsive to the mouse. You can use the up/down arrow
keys to change the option but it will ignore the mouse until you click a
different control on the form an them come back, you then get one more
The backround of the form is a color filled rectangle, if I delete it or set
it to transparent the problem goes away.

I recently upgraded to Windows XP but I can't remeber if this started
happening before or after the upgrade. Other stations that run windows 2000
with this database are also having this problem.
Access is version 2002 SP3.

Any Ideas?


Dirk Goldgar

Brent Strignano said:
Hello All,

I am having a very strange problem with option groups on my
(custom)switchboard form. You can select an option in the group but
then the control becomes unresponsive to the mouse. You can use the
up/down arrow keys to change the option but it will ignore the mouse
until you click a different control on the form an them come back,
you then get one more click.
The backround of the form is a color filled rectangle, if I delete it
or set it to transparent the problem goes away.

I recently upgraded to Windows XP but I can't remeber if this started
happening before or after the upgrade. Other stations that run
windows 2000 with this database are also having this problem.
Access is version 2002 SP3.

Any Ideas?

I don't know if this could be the cause of the problem, but try (in
design view) selecting the rectangle, then clicking Format -> Send to

Brent Strignano

Dirk, Thanks for the reply.

Sorry but I've tried that, and it doesn't help.
Let me give you some more info about the form.
It has 20 or so overlapping controls. As you navigate the form VB sets the
..visible property of the controls to true or false to display the ones you

Dirk Goldgar

Brent Strignano said:
Dirk, Thanks for the reply.

Sorry but I've tried that, and it doesn't help.
Let me give you some more info about the form.
It has 20 or so overlapping controls. As you navigate the form VB
sets the .visible property of the controls to true or false to
display the ones you requested.

There could be all kinds of things going on there, it seems to me, and
without looking at the code and the form itself, it's going to be very
hard to figure out. Is the option group itself being made visible or
invisible on the fly? Are there controls that overlap the option group?

Brent Strignano

Is the option group itself being made visible or invisible on the fly?

Yes. This part of the code seems to work fine.
Are there controls that overlap the option group?

Yes. But remeber the first click into the group always works and there is no
event procedures for the option group. There is also no code conntrolling
the rectangle, it is always visible and in the same place.

Dirk Goldgar

Brent Strignano said:
Yes. This part of the code seems to work fine.

Yes. But remeber the first click into the group always works and
there is no event procedures for the option group. There is also no
code conntrolling the rectangle, it is always visible and in the same

Peculiar. If you'd like to send me a cut-down copy of your database,
containing only the elements necessary to demonstrate the problem,
compacted and then zipped to less than 1MB in size (preferably much
smaller) -- I'll have a look at it, time permitting. You can send it
to the address derived by removing NO SPAM from the reply address of
this message.

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