
The last time I used my computer, it froze. I could not use ctrl-alt-delete to restart the machine so i unplugged it. I use an HP Pavilion 8665C. When I turned it back on, the normal blue screen that says "HEWLETT PACKARD" appeared. However, afterwards all i got was a black screen with a cursor line blinking on the top left hand corner. Nothing will load, and if any it seemed like years before anything showed up. I restarted a couple times and even tried entering in Safe Mode. It took too long if anything even appeared on the screen as well. I followed some of the directions on, such as creating a boot disk. I tried using it, but it did not help. NOW when i turn on my computer, I get this message on the screen:

"SMART Failure Predicted on Hard Disk 0: QUANTUM FIREBALL-lct10 30-(PM)

WARNING: Immediately back-up data and replace your hard drive. A failure may be imminent.

Press F1 to continue"

So I pressed F1 to continue, however I came to another message:

"We apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start succesfully. A recent hardware or software change might have caused this".

I am then given the option to continue in Safe Mode, Last Good Known Configuration, or Start Windows Normally. I've tried using each, but I end up back with the same first message OR still with the problem of having nothing show up on the screen.

HOW CAN I FIX THIS PROBLEM?! Or does this mean that I need to get a new computer?

Any help will be so much appreciated!! THANKS :)


You don't need a new computer. At the worst you may need a new drive, but I
even doubt that. Try this:
Repair install:

Boot from the XP cd, and when prompted hit enter to begin setup. Press F8 to
accept the license agreement. It will then search and find your existing XP
install. Select it, and choose R for repair. Back up any important data
files in case something goes wrong.

Note: you will have to re-install updates from windows update.


The problem with that is that I do not know where my XP cd is :| Is there any other ways I can solve this issue or back up my files?

Ross Durie

Take it to HP and get a replacement recovery CD. Have them replace the hard
drive and copy any usable data off your old drive - may not be possibe.

Cara said:
The problem with that is that I do not know where my XP cd is :| Is there
any other ways I can solve this issue or back up my files?


Without a cd it's hard to say. Sounds like you need a tech to look at it.
But if your drive is dead and they give you a new one you'll need the xp cd
to reinstall your os. Call HP and ask about a replacement disk and see if
they can help you with the error as well.


You may not have a CD. Some HPs now ship without them. The restore image is on the second partition (D) of the drive. During boot, Select F10 or F12 (memory fails me), follow the instructions to reimage from the D partition. HOWEVER, if it were me, I would replace the hard drive. IF not in warranty, you will have to order an image CD from HP, either before or after you replace the drive. You might consider buying a drive from HP with the image partition already installed.
Yes. This form of technical support from HP is not very client friendly.


Note: That error message is deceiving at best. Usually the drive it just
fine. I actually have a drive in this computer that has been reporting that
error message for almost three years. It's an old drive(win95 era) and it's
basically a driver issue. I assume because the drive is so old it just
reports info that xp doesn't like, but it works fine, always has. I assume
it's just a false error or the drive would have died by now.

Richard Urban

Baloney! I have seen this message on over twenty different computers in the
last three years. Of these, twelve of my customers chose to do nothing. All
twelve drives ultimately failed within hours to 3-4 weeks.


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

Richard Urban

Win95 era hard drives did NOT have S.M.A.R.T. capabilities. Who are you


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

David H. Lipman

Go to the hard disk manufacturer's web site and download their diagnostic software
respective to your hard disk. After the test, you will know if the hard disk is bad or

Quantum/Maxtor - PowerMax

Western Digital - Data LifeGuard Tools (DLGDiag)

Hitachi/IBM - Drive Fitness Test (DFT)

Seagate - SeaTools

Fujitsu - Diagnostic Tool

Samsung - Disk manager


| The last time I used my computer, it froze. I could not use ctrl-alt-delete to restart the
machine so i unplugged it. I use an HP Pavilion 8665C. When I turned it back on, the normal
blue screen that says "HEWLETT PACKARD" appeared. However, afterwards all i got was a black
screen with a cursor line blinking on the top left hand corner. Nothing will load, and if
any it seemed like years before anything showed up. I restarted a couple times and even
tried entering in Safe Mode. It took too long if anything even appeared on the screen as
well. I followed some of the directions on, such as creating a boot disk. I
tried using it, but it did not help. NOW when i turn on my computer, I get this message on
the screen:
| "SMART Failure Predicted on Hard Disk 0: QUANTUM FIREBALL-lct10 30-(PM)
| WARNING: Immediately back-up data and replace your hard drive. A failure may be imminent.
| Press F1 to continue"
| So I pressed F1 to continue, however I came to another message:
| "We apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start succesfully. A recent
hardware or software change might have caused this".
| I am then given the option to continue in Safe Mode, Last Good Known Configuration, or
Start Windows Normally. I've tried using each, but I end up back with the same first message
OR still with the problem of having nothing show up on the screen.
| HOW CAN I FIX THIS PROBLEM?! Or does this mean that I need to get a new computer?
| Any help will be so much appreciated!! THANKS :)

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

From (

"Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.) is
an interface between a computer's start-up program or BIOS (basic
input/output system) and the computer hard disk. It is a feature of
the Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics (EIDE) technology that
controls access to the hard drive. If S.M.A.R.T is enabled when a
computer is set up, the BIOS can receive analytical information from
the hard drive and determine whether to send the user a warning
message about possible future failure of the hard drive. "

Having seen the same error, I can only say: "Back up your data
daily until you replace that drive."

On those machines I on which I've seen those S.M.A.R.T. warnings,
catastrophic hard drive failures invariably followed. Some hard
drives lasted for a few days after the warnings first appeared, one
lasted months, and some lasted only minutes. I suppose the one that
lasted months could be considered a false alarm, as months hardly
translate to "imminent," but, on the whole, I'd suggest you take the
warnings seriously.

Contact HP about getting a warranty replacement, if you're still
within the warranty period. Otherwise, ask HP how to transfer the OS
and applications to a new hard drive without a true installation CD.

Bruce Chambers
Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. - RAH

Cara said:
The last time I used my computer, it froze. I could not use
ctrl-alt-delete to restart the machine so i unplugged it. I use an HP
Pavilion 8665C. When I turned it back on, the normal blue screen that
says "HEWLETT PACKARD" appeared. However, afterwards all i got was a
black screen with a cursor line blinking on the top left hand corner.
Nothing will load, and if any it seemed like years before anything
showed up. I restarted a couple times and even tried entering in Safe
Mode. It took too long if anything even appeared on the screen as
well. I followed some of the directions on, such as
creating a boot disk. I tried using it, but it did not help. NOW when
i turn on my computer, I get this message on the screen:
"SMART Failure Predicted on Hard Disk 0: QUANTUM FIREBALL-lct10 30-(PM)

WARNING: Immediately back-up data and replace your hard drive. A failure may be imminent.

Press F1 to continue"

So I pressed F1 to continue, however I came to another message:

"We apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start
succesfully. A recent hardware or software change might have caused
I am then given the option to continue in Safe Mode, Last Good Known
Configuration, or Start Windows Normally. I've tried using each, but I
end up back with the same first message OR still with the problem of
having nothing show up on the screen.

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

From (

"Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.) is
an interface between a computer's start-up program or BIOS (basic
input/output system) and the computer hard disk. It is a feature of
the Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics (EIDE) technology that
controls access to the hard drive. If S.M.A.R.T is enabled when a
computer is set up, the BIOS can receive analytical information from
the hard drive and determine whether to send the user a warning
message about possible future failure of the hard drive. "

As you can see, this is purely a function of the PC's
hardware/firmware and the hard drive; it has nothing to do with WinXP,
or any other operating system.

The OP needs to replace the hard drive ASAP.

Bruce Chambers
Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. - RAH


Geesh ralax dude. I love how everyone in here is always trying to prove
another person wrong or that they're lying or something. I didn't mean it
was that exact message. The part about smart is not in the error I see, but
it's similar. I've been seeing the below error since I put this drive in xp.
2G western digital from 1997.

Event Type: Warning
Event Source: Disk
Event Category: None
Event ID: 52
Date: 7/15/2004
Time: 6:45:49 AM
User: N/A
Computer: XXXXXX
The driver has detected that device \Device\Harddisk0\DR0 has predicted that
it will fail. Immediately back up your data and replace your hard disk
drive. A failure may be imminent.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at


Hey I'm only telling you my experience. I have a drive that been giving a
similar message for years and still works great. Best that they get it
checked out before they waist money on a drive they don't need. You know,
have someone troubleshoot it and figure it out. You know, how a real tech
would approach the matter. Not just say get a new part and format.


My god you guys are ridiculous. You always want to try to prove someone
wrong, like you guys have all the answers. (more like you guys provide
links, instead of answers). What's the big deal here. I have a drive that
gives similar error messages everyday and has been working fine for years
with that error message. Maybe the op has a prob, maybe not. But they need
to get it looked at by a real tech before running out and spnding money,
imo. There's no need to try to tell me something that I already know. I was
adding my comments from my personal experience with a similar error on a
drive I have.


There you go. Someone who actually has the right idea. Good job.
Troubleshoot the drive first.

Alex Nichol

Cara said:
NOW when i turn on my computer, I get this message on the screen:

"SMART Failure Predicted on Hard Disk 0: QUANTUM FIREBALL-lct10 30-(PM)

WARNING: Immediately back-up data and replace your hard drive. A failure may be imminent.

Press F1 to continue"

That is a message direct from the hard drive's own electronics through
the machine's BIOS, meaning exactly what it says. Get it replaced
straight away, without even trying to power on, and Windows setup on the
new one. It *may* then be possible to recover data from the failed
one.: but the more you try to use it the less likely that is to be

Alex Nichol

Phil said:
You don't need a new computer. At the worst you may need a new drive, but I
even doubt that.

Those messages are to be taken seriously. At this stage it *may* be
possible to get data back once a new drive is installed. The longer it
goes on the more likely that it will be a catastrophic failure


Alex said:
Those messages are to be taken seriously. At this stage it *may* be
possible to get data back once a new drive is installed. The longer
it goes on the more likely that it will be a catastrophic failure

I agree. I never said it wasn't a prob and to ignore it, I simply said it
could be a dying drive or like something I've seen, a false error message. I
told the op to 1 - have a tech look at it before they do anything, and 2 -
to call HP and see what they think. No where did I say to ignore it or that
it was not a problem(like others seem to think I've said). I just gave my
take on both sides of similar errors I've seen. In any case I did tell the
op to do something about it. But just blindly going out and buying a new
drive cause someone in a news group said so isn't a smart thing to do, imo.
Get a second opinion and have someone look at it, then decide what to do. It
would be smart for them to back things now if they can.

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