Problem with a Formula



I am having a problem setting up a formula for a spreadsheet. Column A of the
sheet contains several rows of names, columns B-AF are for days of the month
and contain different letters (A, T, L, E, R, B, M, N) each letter is equal
to a value of either 1, 0.5 or 3. I am trying to do a formula that will
recognize what letter is in columns B-AF for each person and add the values
of those letters to give me a total. Can anyone give me an idea of what
formula to use. Vlookup and If are not working so far. Thanks!

Ron Rosenfeld

I am having a problem setting up a formula for a spreadsheet. Column A of the
sheet contains several rows of names, columns B-AF are for days of the month
and contain different letters (A, T, L, E, R, B, M, N) each letter is equal
to a value of either 1, 0.5 or 3. I am trying to do a formula that will
recognize what letter is in columns B-AF for each person and add the values
of those letters to give me a total. Can anyone give me an idea of what
formula to use. Vlookup and If are not working so far. Thanks!

Something like:

=COUNTIF(B2:AF2,"A")*0.5 + COUNTIF(B2:AF2,"T") + COUNTIF(B2:AF2,"L")*3



Extend as necessary


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