Problem opening a attahchment


Big Duke

Hi all,

I'm having a problem opening an attachment. When ever I attempt to open it
a window comes up saying " This file does not have a program associated with
it for performing this action. Create an association in the Folders options
control panel" I don't know how to do this creation. Can anyone walk me
through this?? Thanks for reading my post.

Big Duke

Michael D. Alligood

This means that your PC does not know what program to use to open this
attachment. What kind of attachment are you trying to open? What is the
extension of the file (i.e. example.txt) The .txt is the extension of
this example. When you let us know this, we can point you to the correct
program to use to open the file. Good Luck!

Ken Blake, MVP

Big said:
I'm having a problem opening an attachment. When ever I attempt to
open it a window comes up saying " This file does not have a program
associated with it for performing this action. Create an association
in the Folders options control panel" I don't know how to do this
creation. Can anyone walk me through this?? Thanks for reading my

This message is a very poor and misleading one. In all probability, the
problem is *not* that you don't have the proper association and need to
create one. It's far more likely that you don't have an appropriate program
installed to open that type of file.

What kind of file is it? Tell us what the file's extension (the last three
charcters of its name, after the dot) is.


I am also having the same problem with my computer. I have been trying to
open a powerpoint attachment, (something which I have had no trouble in the
past opening) and now am getting this pop up telling me to create an
association. Help me. We get alot of emails that require this to work.



Did you recently install IE7?

Tania said:
I am also having the same problem with my computer. I have been trying to
open a powerpoint attachment, (something which I have had no trouble in
past opening) and now am getting this pop up telling me to create an
association. Help me. We get alot of emails that require this to work.


Big Duke

At the end of the attachment it says pps
I am trying to open it in outlook express

Ken Blake, MVP

Tania said:
I am also having the same problem with my computer. I have been
trying to open a powerpoint attachment, (something which I have had
no trouble in the past opening) and now am getting this pop up
telling me to create an association. Help me. We get alot of emails
that require this to work.

Do you have either PowerPoint or the PowerPoint viewer installed?

If yes, try saving the attachment to your drive and then opening it from
there. Let us know if that works.

Ken Blake, MVP

Big said:
At the end of the attachment it says pps

That's a PowerPoint slide show.

I am trying to open it in outlook express

No, you're trying to open it *from* Outlook Express. Outlook Express itself
can't open such files.

To open this file you either need PowerPoint installed, ro some compatible
program, including the free Microsoft PowerPoint viewer. You probably do not
have such a program. You can download the free PowerPoint viewer from

Michael D. Alligood

Thanks Ken, I missed the reply!

Michael D. Alligood
Network+, i-Net+, CIW Assoc.,
CIW Certified Instructor


I have downloaded the power point viewer tool but still no help. What am I



I have powerpoint installed but I deleted something that came with the
computer the other day. I thought it was just a temp sample of the Dell
products. Ever since then I have not been able to open it successfully even
though I have microsoft office installed.



I have the same problem. I have powerpoint viewer, copied the file to my C:
drive, powerpoint viewer says it's not a powerpoint file. It has the .pps

Big Duke

I downloaded this link OK but when I try to open the attachment it still
says the original message.
Any other ideas? Thanks for your time.


Yes, I recently installed Internet Explorer 7 I think? Is that what is
causing all the problems?

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