Problem, how to boot to Windows ME



I now using Windows Vista (Build 5384), but i want sometimes to boot into
Windows ME, but "loader" of Windows Vista only can boot to NT based Windows
(Windows 5.0 and later).

How to boot into Windows ME, without typing fdisk /mbr?

Paul Smith

AJD said:
I now using Windows Vista (Build 5384), but i want sometimes to boot into
Windows ME, but "loader" of Windows Vista only can boot to NT based Windows
(Windows 5.0 and later).

How to boot into Windows ME, without typing fdisk /mbr?

If you're using more than one hard disk, I'd recommend simply changing the
boot order in the BIOS to get around the problem.

Or using Virtual PC
( Windows Vista
and run Windows ME inside Vista.

Paul Smith,
Yeovil, UK.
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User.

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Kevin Arthur

Actually, Virtual PC 2004 works well on Vista, so there's no need to wait
for VPC 2007

Sascha Benjamin Jazbec

Windows "DOS-based-series" 3.x , 9x and ME (which is just 98SE with some
enhancements and DOS is just "hidden" ) are all not any further supported by
official support for 98SE and ME ended only months ago.

A dualboot with Vista and ME is not a scenario that will be supported .
Also it makes no sense, btw. because WinME was the most unstable and
buggiest Windows I ever had to run - it was preinstalled on my Notebook back
in 2001 and I have updated that to XP Pro, as soon as my XP_RC2_PreviewPack
arrived .
( you see I am testing Prereleases of Microsofts Software a bit longer .. )

If you need a second / faster / more compatible system for your machine than
you can choose 2000 or any XP Edition for Dualboot with Vista.

DOS is declared dead since 2002 .NT lives since 1993.

With the Launch of XP now the term "Windows" means general "NT"
..If Home or Pro doesn't matter. 2000/XP/Vista are all Windows NT.

If someone for what reason ever needs legacy old Windows to run than by god,
do it in a virtual machine with VPC from Microsoft or take vmware.

Old windows are insecure ,incompatible to modern hardware and buggy as
hell.You need more time for tweaking/patching/installing third party addons
than for anything else.

For nostalgic reasons I have a working Windows 3.11 and Win98 installation
on vpc.
Just for fun.. and because my Office Professional 4.2 Box with 32 Disks ,
which costed a unbelievable amount of Euros back in 1994 .. well.. to keep
it alive somehow ;)

Regards SBJ
Germany ( 5536 Pre-RC1 )

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