Printing Report not selecting default printer



This is the error that I get when I click a button on a form that should
print the report to the default printer. I can fix the report by going to
design then page setup and adjusting the margins. Then I save. However I
have this program out using RT. I can't find to save the fixed margin from
the setup on the following error msg box. I can fix it for one time only
then the margin returns to the previous value. Any ideas?

This document was previously formatted for the printer Epson ActionLaser II
on LP1:, but that printer isn’t available. Do you want to use the default
printer HP CLJ 4650N PCL 6 on Ne01:?




1.) You should set your report to use fairly standard margins, useable by
all printers that being .25 on the top/right/left and for many deskjets .5
on the bottom, that makes it pretty distributable.

2.) From the file -> page set up -> page tab, set the report to use only the
default printer. Save the report.

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