Printing Labels with Sequence #'s



John W. Vinson said:
Just add the Num and AlphaSequence tables to your query, with no JOIN line.

I have tried adding the query we were working on to the query that will be
done for the label.

When I copy them into the query they show up as. Expr1:[Alpha] etc...

My apologies, I guess I am not sure how this is to be done.

I assume when you say no Join line, that when I add the tables to the query,
they do not have a relationship to anything.



Now that I have the Sequence number that needs to print on the Labels.

How would I go about adding that sequence number to the label I already have
created. That Label uses a seperate Query to populate the data needed.

Other values that it is grabbing is OrderID, PurchaseOrderNumber, Finish
Style from the query "Invoice".

Just add the Num and AlphaSequence tables to your query, with no JOIN line.[/QUOTE]

I have tried adding the query we were working on to the query that will be
done for the label.

When I copy them into the query they show up as. Expr1:[Alpha] etc...

My apologies, I guess I am not sure how this is to be done.

I assume when you say no Join line, that when I add the tables to the query,
they do not have a relationship to anything.

John W. Vinson

Just add the Num and AlphaSequence tables to your query, with no JOIN line.

I have tried adding the query we were working on to the query that will be
done for the label.

When I copy them into the query they show up as. Expr1:[Alpha] etc...

My apologies, I guess I am not sure how this is to be done.

I assume when you say no Join line, that when I add the tables to the query,
they do not have a relationship to anything.

Please open the query in SQL view and post it here. I am not sure what you're


Current SQL for just getting the sequence.

SELECT Alpha.Alpha, Num.Num, [Num].[Num] & [Alpha].[Alpha] AS Sequence
FROM Alpha, Num
WHERE (((Alpha.Alpha)=[Forms]![GetSequence]![txtLetterA] Or
(Alpha.Alpha)=[Forms]![GetSequence]![txtLetterB] Or
(Alpha.Alpha)=[Forms]![GetSequence]![txtLetterC] Or
(Alpha.Alpha)=[Forms]![GetSequence]![txtLetterD] Or
(Alpha.Alpha)=[Forms]![GetSequence]![txtLetterE] Or
(Alpha.Alpha)=[Forms]![GetSequence]![txtLetterF]) AND
((Num.Num)>=[Forms]![GetSequence]![txtStartNum] And

SQL for the Query, I want to add the above to this.

SELECT [InvoiceHead/Tot].OrderID AS [InvoiceHead/Tot_OrderID],
[InvoiceHead/Tot].InvoiceNo, [InvoiceHead/Tot].CustomerID,
[InvoiceHead/Tot].CompanyName, [InvoiceHead/Tot].BillAdd1,
[InvoiceHead/Tot].BillAdd2, [InvoiceHead/Tot].City,
[InvoiceHead/Tot].StateOrProvince, [InvoiceHead/Tot].PostalCode,
[InvoiceHead/Tot].ShipToID, [InvoiceHead/Tot].ShipName,
[InvoiceHead/Tot].ShipAdd1, [InvoiceHead/Tot].ShipAdd2,
[InvoiceHead/Tot].ShipCity, [InvoiceHead/Tot].ShipState,
[InvoiceHead/Tot].ShipPostalCode, [InvoiceHead/Tot].ShipPhoneNumber,
[InvoiceHead/Tot].ShippingViaID, [InvoiceHead/Tot].OrderDate,
[InvoiceHead/Tot].PurchaseOrderNumber, [InvoiceHead/Tot].[Finish Style],
[InvoiceHead/Tot].Color, [InvoiceHead/Tot].[Color No],
[InvoiceHead/Tot].Width, [InvoiceHead/Tot].[Bill of Laden],
[InvoiceHead/Tot].PrPerYard, [InvoiceHead/Tot].FrameYard,
[InvoiceHead/Tot].SecondYard, [InvoiceHead/Tot].WasteYard,
[InvoiceHead/Tot].FirstYard, [InvoiceHead/Tot].SampleYard,
[InvoiceHead/Tot].FreightChg, [InvoiceHead/Tot].StdYield,
[InvoiceHead/Tot].GreigeYield, [InvoiceHead/Tot].TotGreigeLbs,
[InvoiceHead/Tot].PrPerLbs, [InvoiceHead/Tot].Surcharge,
[InvoiceHead/Tot].InvTotal, [InvoiceHead/Tot].TotAmount,
InvoiceDetail.OrderDetailID, InvoiceDetail.OrderID AS InvoiceDetail_OrderID,
InvoiceDetail.[Greige Piece No], InvoiceDetail.[Greige Lbs],
InvoiceDetail.[Case No], InvoiceDetail.[No of Pieces], InvoiceDetail.[Total
Yards], InvoiceDetail.Remarks, [InvoiceHead/Tot].OrderID,
FROM Customers INNER JOIN ([InvoiceHead/Tot] INNER JOIN InvoiceDetail ON
[InvoiceHead/Tot].OrderID = InvoiceDetail.OrderID) ON Customers.CustomerID =
WHERE ((([InvoiceHead/Tot].OrderID)=["enter ID"]));

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