Print order of worksheets



I have a workbook with 10 worksheets in it. I have the dragged those
worksheets and arranged them in the workbook in a certain order (the tabs
from left to right) that is easy to use. However, this is not the order I
want to print them in. What's even stranger is that it doesn't print the
pages in the order they are in the workbook... it seems almost random
(although the order is consistent from print to print). Perhaps it was the
order the worksheets were created in.

Anyway, my question is, is there any way to (a) define the print order of
the worksheets, and (b) at least have the worksheets print in the same order
(left-to-right) that they appear in the workbook?

Thanks in advance!

Ron de Bruin

(left-to-right) that they appear in the workbook?
That's normal behavior

You can use a macro to change the order

Sub test()
Dim Shname
Shname = Array("Sheet2", "Sheet3", "Sheet1")
For N = LBound(Shname) To UBound(Shname)
End Sub

Change PrintPreview to PrintOut if it is working correct


(left-to-right) that they appear in the workbook?
That's normal behavior

It may be normal behavior to print left-to-right, but as I indicated, that's
not what it's doing. How do I get it to revert to this behavior? I have no
macros in this workbook or any other "override" behavior or settings that I
am aware of.

You can use a macro to change the order

Thanks for the macro idea, but I've got about 50 sheets in this workbook, so
I'd rather not have to type in the all the sheet names manually at this
point. Also, I haven't used macros much lately, so I'd like to keep things
simple for now. I'll keep the macro on file as a last resort, or for when I
have more time and want to implement a custom print order (which eventually I
will want to).

For the moment I'd just like to get the worksheets printing left-to-right in
the order that they appear in the workbook.

Dave Peterson

I've never seen excel not print in left to right order and I couldn't get it to
break now (I'm using xl2003).

I selected the worksheets I wanted to print (click on first tab and shift-click
on subsequent) and no matter what order I selected, xl still printed in left to
right order.

I selected all and varied the activesheet--still printed in left to right order.

I did File|Print and clicked entire workbook and it still did left to right.

(Actually, I only used preview, but I'd guess that print matches the same order
as print preview.)

What version of excel are you running that causes this behavior?

One more thought...

Some printers have some very nice features--back to back, booklet...

Any chance your printer driver is doing something "nice" to help you out. I'd
go into the properties and make sure that those printer settings are as vanilla
as you can make them.

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