Print first page only of an email


Brian Tillman

sw1969 said:
How do I print selected pages only of an email, as I can in a Word

Open the message in your web browser and print from there. Exactly how is
message format and Outlook version-specific and you decided mentioning
either was unimportant.

Harry Poole

I don't think there is an option in Outlook to print a selected area or page(s). Outlook Help reads: "In Mail, the default style for e-mail messages is Memo Style, which prints copies that look similar to the message on your screen." As you know, this prints the entire email.

Alternatively, you can copy & paste the desired text or page selections from email to Word but you probably will have to edit.

Sorry I can't be of more help.


The best way I can think of is to highlight and delete everything in the
message you don't want to print, then print the message. Then when you close
the message, and it asks if you want to "Save the Changes" say NO and
everything you deleted will come back.
I am sure there is a better way, but have to check with Microsoft to find it.
- Gary S.


Like other, I find this very frustrating, printing a 10 page e-mail when you
only want the first page of a text style e-mail. The best solution I have
found to date is to print just odd or even pages at least this potentially
halfs the amount of printing. Switch your e-mail to HTML format and encourage
everybody to do the same then perhaps the problem will go away.


I found this solution by doing a search on this forum:

In Microsoft Outlook 2007 -

Open the e-mail
Select Other Actions>View in Browser

The print option lets you select page ranges rather than printing in the
default (and wasteful!) Memo Style.


Yes, you are right. But then you missed all header information, like who send
it to me, when, what is the subject, ...
I really hope Microsoft's designers can be as smart as their 2003 fellows!


I agreed with all comments, the designers should change the printing option
or use the word editor as Outlook 2003.

Richard Jones

The way to print only the amount of pages that you want is as follows

Click file
Click print
Go down to page range
Add a dot to Pages
Add the amount of pages you want printed
or just 1 if you only want the first page

You may need to do this first

Start-Settings-printers and faxes
Right click printer icon
Click printer preferences
Click basics tab
Change page order to front to back


in message
The way to print only the amount of pages that you want is as follows

Click file
Click print
Go down to page range
Add a dot to Pages
Add the amount of pages you want printed
or just 1 if you only want the first page

You may need to do this first

Start-Settings-printers and faxes
Right click printer icon
Click printer preferences
Click basics tab
Change page order to front to back

Posted and mailed

To whom are you talking and about what?
The "forum" that you are posting in leaches off the Microsoft News servers
in order to make it look far busier than it really is. Everyone who uses the
MS News servers sees your post on it's own - we have NO IDEA what you are
talking about and to whom you are talking.

If you MUST continue to post in this "forum" then please at least quote the
post you are replying to, and do NOT change the subject line.

You would be far better off however, using a news reader and subscribing to
these news groups direct.

Setting up Outlook Express/Windows Mail to access Microsoft newsgroups

Accessing the MS newsgroups in Outlook Express/Windows Mail Newsreader

Thank you

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