Preview problems



Hi there!

I've managed to make my first movie but on return to it, although everything
is appearing on the timebar, it is not registering on the preview screen, nor
is the play button responding. Is it something really stupid I've missed?

John Inzer

lesleyb said:
Hi there!

I've managed to make my first movie but on return to it, although
everything is appearing on the timebar, it is not registering on the
preview screen, nor is the play button responding. Is it something
really stupid I've missed?
Apparently you are referring to a .mswmm
project file and not an actual .wmv or .avi
movie file?

Does it help if you left click one of the pictures
on the timeline?


John Inzer
MS Picture It! -
Digital Image MVP

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This happens to me as well. Have you put in transitions - if you have you
will probably find that your movie plays in the preview screen if you delete
the transitions. For some reason it only seems to allow you to have a couple
of transitions but if you add any more it won't play.
My computer person rang microsoft in autralia and they said they were onto
it and were going to do some kind of upgrade/download that was a couple of
months ago and I can't see anything. I am actually going to email the
support centre and see what is going on becuase it is very frustating. I
suggest you do the same as well. The more people who complain, the faster
they may do something about it!
Hope this helps.


I have that same problem. do you have the # or web page that we can contact
to report this?


I have the exact same problem. I am running WMM 6 on Vista Home Premium.
It took me a while to figure out what was making is loose the preview
functionality from the timeline. I first thought that it might be the length
of the movie. I was making one WMM Project out of one 60 minute video file I
pulled out of the camcorder.
I then start making 15 min WMM project files and it was still doing it. I
add some transitions and it's fine, then I add one and it looses preview. As
soon as I delete the transition everything is fine.
I have a brand vew HP Laptop and I am in Canada. I cannot even call MS,
because HP provides all OS support and the tech support guys there are
idiots. After 30 min of online chat he sends me links to download WMM without
realising that I am already running the latest. The download link he sends is
for Win XP users.

If MS does do some update in the service pack they are releasing next year,
it will be good.

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