Prevent font resizing when two column text layout chosen



Is there any way to prevent the font automatically
resizing when the 2 column text layout is selected? I
want the font to be the same size throughout the
presentation, regargless of what slide layout is chosen.


Hi Jo,

Try this:
On the Tools menu, click AutoCorrect Options.
Click the AutoFormat As You Type tab.
Do any of the following:
Turn AutoFit on or off for title text

Under Apply as you type, select or clear the AutoFit title
text to placeholder check box.
Turn AutoFit on or off for body text

Under Apply as you type, select or clear the AutoFit body
text to placeholder check box.



Thanks. I should have mentioned that I'm using PowerPoint
2000, so don't have an AutoFormat As You Type tab under
AutoCorrect! Any further ideas much appreciated.

Steve Rindsberg

This is just something that's built into PPT, Jo. Two column text is always
smaller than the text size specified in the master by a certain amount (I
forget whether it's points or a percentage).

One thing that might make it a bit easier to fix is to download our free
PPTools Starter Set at

It includes a text size Up/Down tool similar to the one built into PPT, but it
lets you set the up/down increment to the number of points you want.

On the other hand, maybe the built-in one in PPT will nail it by default. I'd
try that first. It's the two A (with up/down arrowhead) tools on the
formatting toolbar. Click anywhere in the text box, press ESC then use the
buttons on the toolbar.

Thanks. I should have mentioned that I'm using PowerPoint
2000, so don't have an AutoFormat As You Type tab under
AutoCorrect! Any further ideas much appreciated.

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA


Steve said:
This is just something that's built into PPT, Jo. Two column text is always
smaller than the text size specified in the master by a certain amount (I
forget whether it's points or a percentage).

there they go, trying to think for us again, and getting it wrong, again

Marko Jotic, MMCT Holdings Int. Inc.
"Common sense is anything but common".
From the notebooks of Lazarus Long. Robert A. Heinlein.
Handmade knives, antique designs, exotic materials at

John Langhans [MSFT]

[CRITICAL UPDATE - Anyone using Office 2003 should install the critical
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[TOP ISSUE - Are you having difficulty opening presentations in PowerPoint
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If you (or anyone else reading this message) have suggestions for how to
make this easier to do in PowerPoint, don't forget to send your feedback
(in YOUR OWN WORDS, please) to Microsoft at:

It's VERY important that, for EACH wish, you describe in detail, WHY it is
important TO YOU that your product suggestion be implemented. A good wish
submssion includes WHAT scenario, work-flow, or end-result is blocked by
not having a specific feature, HOW MUCH time and effort ($$$) is spent
working around a specific limitation of the current product, etc. Remember
that Microsoft receives THOUSANDS of product suggestions every day and we
read each one but, in any given product development cycle, there are ONLY
sufficient resources to address the ones that are MOST IMPORTANT to our
customers so take the extra time to state your case as CLEARLY and
COMPLETELY as possible so that we can FEEL YOUR PAIN.

IMPORTANT: Each submission should be a single suggestion (not a list of

John Langhans
Microsoft Corporation
Supportability Program Manager
Microsoft Office PowerPoint for Windows
Microsoft Office Picture Manager for Windows

For FAQ's, highlights and top issues, visit the Microsoft PowerPoint
support center at:
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Steve Rindsberg

there they go, trying to think for us again, and getting it wrong, again

You know the link to MSWish, right? ;-)
If not, check any 'o John's posts and let them know what you'd like it to do

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA


yes I do but this issue I am not touching

it touches on every aspect of word/pp etc

its what makes it easy for beginners

its what makes me miss wp

Steve said:
You know the link to MSWish, right? ;-)
If not, check any 'o John's posts and let them know what you'd like it to do

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA

Marko Jotic, MMCT Holdings Int. Inc.
"Common sense is anything but common".
From the notebooks of Lazarus Long. Robert A. Heinlein.
Handmade knives, antique designs, exotic materials at

Steve Rindsberg

I can't get too upset about this particular one. There has to be some text size
chosen as a default in all cases, and it does generally make more sense for two
column text to be smaller than a single bulleted list simply because there's going
to be more of it.

If it didn't suit most people, we'd hear a lot more complaints about it than we
do, so it'd seem that MS chose a reasonable default value, and it's only two or
three clicks to change it.

If you think having a way to override the changed text size for double columns
would be a good thing, submit it or it'll never happen.

yes I do but this issue I am not touching

it touches on every aspect of word/pp etc

its what makes it easy for beginners

its what makes me miss wp

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA


Steve said:
I can't get too upset about this particular one. There has to be some text size
chosen as a default in all cases, and it does generally make more sense for two
column text to be smaller than a single bulleted list simply because there's going
to be more of it.
not really. in my case it tends to be alot of small points, sometimes
single words, or I am using one as a subtitle. in any case its another
case of someone making an assumption and forcing it on us
If it didn't suit most people, we'd hear a lot more complaints about it than we
do, so it'd seem that MS chose a reasonable default value, and it's only two or
three clicks to change it.
most people don't use 99% of these products, most people don't realise
there may be a better way to do something, they just accept what is done
for them and assume its the only way. Most people I ask "what is the
best word processor" answers with whatever they use and they never used
anything else

Granted its only two or three clicks, but when you know how to format
and have to keep checking to see if the product has ideas of its own it
drives me crazy
If you think having a way to override the changed text size for double columns
would be a good thing, submit it or it'll never happen.

as much as I wish to see my wishes come true, after querying here, and
often finding a workaround of my own, I don't have time to document the
stupidities I find in nearly every function in MS products (not that MS
has an exclusive on it)

Marko Jotic, MMCT Holdings Int. Inc.
"Common sense is anything but common".
From the notebooks of Lazarus Long. Robert A. Heinlein.
Handmade knives, antique designs, exotic materials at


[not really. in my case it tends to be alot of small points, sometimes
single words, or I am using one as a subtitle. in any case its another
case of someone making an assumption and forcing it on us]

[most people don't use 99% of these products, most people don't realise
there may be a better way to do something, they just accept what is done
for them and assume its the only way. Most people I ask "what is the
best word processor" answers with whatever they use and they never used
anything else]

And common sense (referenced in your signature) tells me that unless you
voice your ideas and wishes, you will continue to receive what most people
find acceptable.


Sonia wrote:

And common sense (referenced in your signature) tells me that unless you
voice your ideas and wishes, you will continue to receive what most people
find acceptable.

I know, and as long as the likes of microsoft caters to the lowest
common denominator my voice is in the minority

ps I do write the occasional wishlist item but this issue encompasses
every dialog box, if they pay me to sit with a programmer I will go
through each menu item and tell them what is missing

with all their testing why didn't they have a look at the competition,
in general Word and WP fall short in different areas, there are many
many good ideas in WP that word never got close to

One of them, reveal codes, is a goldmine of information, without it I
have had to wipe out all the formatting in some files and start over
just to correct some little quirk. I have read the so called reasoning
behind not having an equivalent in Word, and its hogwash: I have also
read how to figure it out myself painstakingly, well why isn't it a
window that does the same? that was my first wishlist item ever, others
on these NGs have hoped for it, MS just ignores it, they are right, we
are wrong

remember the uproar over that PP-XP page with "presentation starting",
tell me who in their right mind would have wished for that? who at MS
decided on that pathetic stupidity?

ps I need to vent sometimes, I just spent a week making several versions
of the same file because of PP limitations

Marko Jotic, MMCT Holdings Int. Inc.
"Common sense is anything but common".
From the notebooks of Lazarus Long. Robert A. Heinlein.
Handmade knives, antique designs, exotic materials at


ps I need to vent sometimes, I just spent a week making several versions
of the same file because of PP limitations

has to do with skewed resizing for which I did submit a wishlist

Marko Jotic, MMCT Holdings Int. Inc.
"Common sense is anything but common".
From the notebooks of Lazarus Long. Robert A. Heinlein.
Handmade knives, antique designs, exotic materials at

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