PreConfigured IIS



HI Embedded Badies

I am Amit , working on one diffrent requirement for the prodcut ,
please help me to get me out of this problem..........the Problem

I have made a headless system with web advantage .I want the IIS to be
preconfigured.I have already made the snap in appear but this won't
solve my issue.Sometime I might have to preconfigure even the
Administrative configirations of the IIS and that you are working on
it ..

Any update on this will be highly appeciated

Thanks & Regards



had a hussle months bck, before i got it preconfigured.

All IIs administraive config lies in The metabase a structure for
storing Internet Information Server (IIS) configuration settings. It
performs some of the same functions as the Windows system registry but
is specific to Internet Information Server.The mmc does it else you
need to use the scripts.IIS 5.5 is good as well as 6.0.however 5.5
scripts have limited admin confi scrips to play with to get the
Many of the metabase parameters can be configured from the Internet
servce Manager snap-in for the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). nd
metabase is stored in a special format file by default named
Metabase.bin in the Inetsrv folder in which IIS is normally installed.

btw,what type of admin config are you trying ?


Nikolai Vorontsov

I have made a headless system with web advantage .I want the IIS to be
preconfigured.I have already made the snap in appear but this won't
solve my issue.Sometime I might have to preconfigure even the
Administrative configirations of the IIS and that you are working on
it ..
You can use adsutil.vbs file from the XP prof installation and run at
the FBA stage something like this (be care - email client added some
CR/LFs, but you have to catch the idea):

@echo off
rem WebCCTV IIS setup file. Copyright (C) Quadrox NV, 2002-2003
rem This batch file is performing setup of virtual directories for the
WebCCTV device

rem Setup basic settings
cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/LogFileDirectory "D:\Logs"

rem cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/1/ServerAutoStart True
cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/1/ServerComment "WebCCTV
control site"
cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/1/ConnectionTimeout 300
cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/1/DefaultDoc
cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/1/AspScriptErrorSentToBrowser False
cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/1/AspScriptTimeout 120
cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/1/AspSessionTimeout 5
rem cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs ENUM W3SVC/1

rem Delete unnessesary directories
cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs DELETE W3SVC/1/ROOT/localstart.asp
cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs DELETE W3SVC/1/ROOT/IISHelp
cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs DELETE W3SVC/1/ROOT/iisadmin
rem cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs DELETE W3SVC/1/ROOT/Scripts
cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs DELETE W3SVC/1/ROOT/Printers
rem cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs DELETE W3SVC/1/ROOT/tsweb
rem cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs ENUM W3SVC/1/ROOT

rem Create /Backup virtual directory
cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs CREATE W3SVC/1/ROOT/Backup
cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/1/ROOT/Backup/AccessRead
cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/1/ROOT/Backup/AccessWrite
cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/1/ROOT/Backup/AccessExecute
cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/1/ROOT/Backup/AccessScript
cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/1/ROOT/Backup/AccessNoRemoteRead
cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/1/ROOT/Backup/AccessNoRemoteWrite
cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs SET
W3SVC/1/ROOT/Backup/AccessNoRemoteExecute False
cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs SET
W3SVC/1/ROOT/Backup/AccessNoRemoteScript False
cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/1/ROOT/Backup/Path
cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/1/ROOT/Backup/HttpExpires
"D, 0"
rem cscript //Nologo adsutil.vbs ENUM W3SVC/1/ROOT/Backup



Nikolai is right with script. Getting on to just preconfigure the IIS
is not hard.Just follow the steps I mailed u.However if u r getting on
to administrative tasks then you need to script seperately but might
be you need to address it in the right place n the FBA.I shall mail
the details.

I find it really curious to knw whether you used for IIS 6.0 or
5.5.I guess these should go with only 6.0.As .It was a script thru
modification to the metabase.bin in the FBA but the versions brought a
lot of limitations.


Nikolai Vorontsov

Hi, Kesavan!
I find it really curious to knw whether you used for IIS 6.0 or
5.5.I guess these should go with only 6.0.As .It was a script thru
modification to the metabase.bin in the FBA but the versions brought a
lot of limitations.
Well, actually, I did this for XPe only, but I think that should work
for W2K. I just tested - OK, at least ENUM is working on my w2k workstation.


Wel Thanks a lot guys

your information is really very useful ,with the
information you provided , i am able to solve one of my problem

Now the second problem on which i am working is can we controll PWS in
the similar manner?


Nikolai Vorontsov

Now the second problem on which i am working is can we controll PWS in
the similar manner?
Well, I suppose we can use the same technic for all IIS/PWS since IIS4.0
i.e. WinNT4.0. BTW, What do you mean by control? setup? The script AFAIK
should work with PWS too.


Amit Puri,

PWS on NTWk doesn't install the management console by default. To do
so run the Web server set up and select Microsoft Management Console
from the setup options, or install the FTP service which also requires
the MMC. Without the MMC you can set up virtuals, but you cannot set
up script maps.

However Amit, Web Connection ships with a class library called
WebServer.vcx which lets you programmatically configure the Web
server. welll fr tht like the following from the VFP Command Window
shld hlp :


The following server types are supported:

IIS6 - IIS6 is used under Windows Server and sets up a Web Connection
Application Pool
IIS4 - IIS4 and IIS5 and PWS 4 and 5 under Windows NT
IIS3 - IIS 3 and PWS 3 under Windows NT
PWS4 - Personal Web Server 4.0 Windows 98
PWS3 - Personal Web Server 1.0 and 3.0 Windows 95

You should be able to.Just go ahead with the same way and do let us
know about it.

Good Luck
Sajeev Kesavan

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