ppt background color



I have completed a ppt presentation successfully in 97
and it works fine. However, I've started another
presentation and I cannot custom change the background
color. I select the color, it shows it in the preview,
but when I click OK it reverts to solid black. I thoought
it might be an XP problem, but it works in other
applications. Any ideas? I'm running XP and PPT 97.
Thanks! RHN

Robert Lerner

Richard, you say you click OK. Assuming you are using the Background tool in
the Format menu... there is no OK button. Explain what you are clicking once
you have chosen a color. There is either Apply; Apply To All; or Cancel.


I am assuming that you mean "DoI have the 'Black and
White'option turned off in the View menu." The "Black
and White" option is turned off. Thanks! RHN


I think I would try updating the video driver. I can't think of anything
else at this point.


Good Afternoon, Sonia! I have updated the video driver
(actually XP insisted that the present driver did not
need to be updated--I reinstalled it anyhow). I have
uninstalled PPT 97 and reinstalled it 3 times, but the
problem still exists. I temporarily installed PPT 97 on
another system and the background color selection works
OK. The only thing I haven't done is to reinstall XP.
I'm not sure that will solve the issue. If I got PPT
XP/2002 do you think that would make a difference? I'm
at a loss. Thanks for your help. RHN


I am using the "Fans" template. The bottom of the screen
reads slide 1 of 1, Fns.pot. I can select a "slide Color
Scheme" but when I go to change the background color I
can make the selection, but a black background always
appears. RHN

Robert Lerner

Are you sure that template has not been jacked with? You're reporting a
different name and that throws up a red flag to me. It should read on the
status bar "Fans.pot" and not "Fns.pot".

I'm wondering if in the master someone hasn't inserted a black autoshape as
the "background". In such a case, the Background command would show a new
color in the preview window, but still appear black in the slide. That's
obviously because the autoshape is in front of the background.

Have you entered the master and checked if an autoshape is not present? If
you know how to check for it, do so. If not, just enter the master (View
menu)... CNTL+A to select everything... DELETE. Then try to change the
background color and see what happens.


You guessed where I was going. <G>

Robert Lerner said:
Are you sure that template has not been jacked with? You're reporting a
different name and that throws up a red flag to me. It should read on the
status bar "Fans.pot" and not "Fns.pot".

I'm wondering if in the master someone hasn't inserted a black autoshape as
the "background". In such a case, the Background command would show a new
color in the preview window, but still appear black in the slide. That's
obviously because the autoshape is in front of the background.

Have you entered the master and checked if an autoshape is not present? If
you know how to check for it, do so. If not, just enter the master (View
menu)... CNTL+A to select everything... DELETE. Then try to change the
background color and see what happens.

Robert Lerner


Richard said:
Thanks, Robert. The "Fns.pot" was a typo. It should
have read "Fans.pot"

I was kinda thinking that too, but threw that out anyway. ;-)
I went into the master and deleted
everything. The problem still exists.

The background colors work well in other applications.
The ppt presentations I have already completed function
well (I haven't tried to change background colors in
them. I was afraid I would not be able to recoup the

You need to start a new file and see if the background color is working
correctly. Do a blank one and a new one using the Fans template and one
other template.
Here's what happens in ppt.
I choose FORMAT>BACKGROUND>MORE COLORS>select a new color
on the "standard" tab. The new color shows in the "new"
box, and black remains in the "old" box.

Actually what you are seeing in the "old" box is the color set as
"background" in the Color Scheme. It's not necessarily the true existing
color of the slide's background. That is if you are in a slide while doing
this. If, on the other hand, you are in the Slide Master and do this, it
will show the true existing color of the slide's background in the "old"
box. Don't ask me why. I don't even think I want to know why. ;-)
The "white"
hexagon is on the left, and the "black" hexagon is on the
right, with the variants in between. I thought the new
color was supposed to show in the variant hexagons.

Ya know, that would be a cool idea, but that's not how it works. The
white-to-black hexigons remain the same. Those are provided for choosing
grayscale or shades of gray. They never change.
the "custom" tab the same result--the vertical slide is
white at the top and black at the bottom.

Now, there you have a problem, if I'm reading you right. You're saying that
even after you choose a new non-black color the luminosity slider remains
shades of gray?? It should change to refect light to dark shades of the
current color chosen.
The pointer on
the slide is at the bottom. When I move the slide up I
get variants of gray. When I click OK the entire
background is black. When I click "apply" the slide
background is black.

I think I'll try reinstalling XP. What do you think?

Before you do, as I say earlier in this post, try it on a new blank prez and
on a new Fans template prez and on a new other template prez and report


I tried a "blank" slide, a "Fans" slide, and a "Blush"
slide. The color reverted to black in each case.

You are reading me right. Even after I choose a non-black
color the luminosity slider remains shades of gray. In
other applications it changes and works well. I'm
frustrated. Do you suppose the issue could be in the
video card? RHN

-----Original Message-----

Richard said:
Thanks, Robert. The "Fns.pot" was a typo. It should
have read "Fans.pot"

I was kinda thinking that too, but threw that out anyway. ;-)
I went into the master and deleted
everything. The problem still exists.

The background colors work well in other applications.
The ppt presentations I have already completed function
well (I haven't tried to change background colors in
them. I was afraid I would not be able to recoup the

You need to start a new file and see if the background color is working
correctly. Do a blank one and a new one using the Fans template and one
other template.
Here's what happens in ppt.
I choose FORMAT>BACKGROUND>MORE COLORS>select a new color
on the "standard" tab. The new color shows in the "new"
box, and black remains in the "old" box.

Actually what you are seeing in the "old" box is the color set as
"background" in the Color Scheme. It's not necessarily the true existing
color of the slide's background. That is if you are in a slide while doing
this. If, on the other hand, you are in the Slide Master and do this, it
will show the true existing color of the slide's background in the "old"
box. Don't ask me why. I don't even think I want to know why. ;-)
The "white"
hexagon is on the left, and the "black" hexagon is on the
right, with the variants in between. I thought the new
color was supposed to show in the variant hexagons.

Ya know, that would be a cool idea, but that's not how it works. The
white-to-black hexigons remain the same. Those are provided for choosing
grayscale or shades of gray. They never change.
the "custom" tab the same result--the vertical slide is
white at the top and black at the bottom.

Now, there you have a problem, if I'm reading you right. You're saying that
even after you choose a new non-black color the luminosity slider remains
shades of gray?? It should change to refect light to dark shades of the
current color chosen.
The pointer on
the slide is at the bottom. When I move the slide up I
get variants of gray. When I click OK the entire
background is black. When I click "apply" the slide
background is black.

I think I'll try reinstalling XP. What do you think?

Before you do, as I say earlier in this post, try it on a new blank prez and
on a new Fans template prez and on a new other template prez and report

-Robert Lerner



Thanks again, Robert. Hope I hear from them. RHN

-----Original Message-----
I think that verifies you have a more technical problem than just a bad
setting in a template. I'm not much in that area. Hopefully some others who
are can lend a hand. I know Michael and Moose seem pretty good with that
kind of stuff. Let's see if they or other techies jump in.

-Robert Lerner

Richard said:
I tried a "blank" slide, a "Fans" slide, and a "Blush"
slide. The color reverted to black in each case.

You are reading me right. Even after I choose a non- black
color the luminosity slider remains shades of gray. In
other applications it changes and works well. I'm
frustrated. Do you suppose the issue could be in the
video card? RHN

-----Original Message-----

Thanks, Robert. The "Fns.pot" was a typo. It should
have read "Fans.pot"

I was kinda thinking that too, but threw that out anyway. ;-)

I went into the master and deleted
everything. The problem still exists.

The background colors work well in other applications.
The ppt presentations I have already completed function
well (I haven't tried to change background colors in
them. I was afraid I would not be able to recoup the

You need to start a new file and see if the background color is working
correctly. Do a blank one and a new one using the Fans template and one
other template.

Here's what happens in ppt.
I choose FORMAT>BACKGROUND>MORE COLORS>select a new color
on the "standard" tab. The new color shows in the "new"
box, and black remains in the "old" box.

Actually what you are seeing in the "old" box is the color set as
"background" in the Color Scheme. It's not necessarily the true existing
color of the slide's background. That is if you are
in a
slide while doing
this. If, on the other hand, you are in the Slide
and do this, it
will show the true existing color of the slide's background in the "old"
box. Don't ask me why. I don't even think I want to
why. ;-)
The "white"
hexagon is on the left, and the "black" hexagon is
right, with the variants in between. I thought the new
color was supposed to show in the variant hexagons.

Ya know, that would be a cool idea, but that's not how it works. The
white-to-black hexigons remain the same. Those are provided for choosing
grayscale or shades of gray. They never change.

the "custom" tab the same result--the vertical slide is
white at the top and black at the bottom.

Now, there you have a problem, if I'm reading you
You're saying that
even after you choose a new non-black color the luminosity slider remains
shades of gray?? It should change to refect light to dark shades of the
current color chosen.

The pointer on
the slide is at the bottom. When I move the slide up I
get variants of gray. When I click OK the entire
background is black. When I click "apply" the slide
background is black.

I think I'll try reinstalling XP. What do you think?

Before you do, as I say earlier in this post, try it
a new blank prez and
on a new Fans template prez and on a new other
prez and report

-Robert Lerner



Robert Lerner

Hey, Richard, let me document one more thing that I don't think we covered.

In PPT, create an AutoShape and fill it with color. Use the More Colors tool
to change the color. In the dialog box, does the luminosity slider look
correct for the new color? Does the AutoShape color change when you apply?

Switch to Word and draw an AutoShape and answer the same about the More
Colors tool. If there is a Background command in the Format menu of your
version, use the More Colors tool there also and answer the same questions.

I'm trying to gather how extensive the problem is.


Hi, Robert!

I created an autoshape in PPT. It was white on a white
background. When I tried to color it red it reverted to
black. I tried the same thing in Word and it accepted
the red color. Even the slide on the "Custom" tab was in
variant shades of red. The background color selection
seems to work in other applications. It's got me stumped.
Thanks for your help.


Robert Lerner

OK. Here's a few more questions for areas I'm exploring for you...

What graphics card are you using?

In your Display Properties, what is your Color Quality set to (16bit/32bit)?

In PPT, create an AutoShape with a fill color and then enter the More Colors
command again. In the Standard tab, choose red. In the Custom tab, the
luminosity slider remains grayscale but what does the color pallet to the
left of the luminosity slider show is selected (white crosshairs)?

What are the numbers in the Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) fields below it?

Move the luminosity slider mid-way in the scale and apply. Did it at least
render the object gray (not black)?

Return to More Colors - Custom tab. What are the RGB numbers now? Try
changing the RGB numbers to 255,0,0 and tell me what happens with the
luminosity slider and when you apply it.

Copy a red AutoShape from Word into PPT. Does it keep it's color? What does
it show in More colors in the RGB?


OK. Here's a few more questions for areas I'm exploring
for you...

What graphics card are you using?

In your Display Properties, what is your Color Quality
set to (16bit/32bit)?
32 bit

In PPT, create an AutoShape with a fill color and then
enter the More Colors
command again. In the Standard tab, choose red. In the
Custom tab, the
luminosity slider remains grayscale but what does the
color pallet to the
left of the luminosity slider show is selected (white
It shows the color I selected.

What are the numbers in the Red, Green, and Blue (RGB)
fields below it?
R-2, G-0, B-0

Move the luminosity slider mid-way in the scale and
apply. Did it at least
render the object gray (not black)?
No, it remained black.

Return to More Colors - Custom tab. What are the RGB
numbers now?
R-2, G-0, B-0

Try changing the RGB numbers to 255,0,0 and tell me what
happens with the luminosity slider and when you apply it.
It's still gray with white at the top and black
at the bottom.

Copy a red AutoShape from Word into PPT. Does it keep
it's color?

What does it show in More colors in the RGB?
R-0, G-2, B-1

Thanks again!


Robert Lerner

Richard said:
What graphics card are you using?

In your Display Properties, what is your Color Quality
set to (16bit/32bit)?
32 bit

Change the properties to 16bit, and give me a reboot for good measure. Fire
up PowerPoint again and retest the More Colors tool.

Robert Lerner

I was going to put out a call to the other regulars here with a summary. But
if you can do reinstall Windows fairly quickly and efficiently, I would take
that step and see what happens. If it does not work, I'll add that to the
call information.

I cannot find any documentation on anything close to what you are
experiencing. The closest I found was a color oddity in PowerPoint caused by
a conflict between a certain graphic card (not yours) and running at 32 bit
color. That's why I had you try changing it.

I think we are both confident it is a machine problem and not PowerPoint. It
could be an error in the registry. I hate for you to have to reinstall
Windows, but I'm not expert enough with registries to render a guess.

Let me know what you find out when you are done. I'll keep my fingers


Thanks, Robert. You all have been diligent in the quest
to make this thing work. I'll try to do the hard drive
reformat/reinstall of XP and PPT97 this weekend, and let
you know the results. Richard

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