PowerPoint double-byte symbol default



When inserting a degree symbol, powerpoint automatically defaults to a
double-byte MS PGothic font. I have tried to change it through "insert
symbol", using key strokes and changing/replacing the font, but it still
defaults to MS PGothic.

Steve Rindsberg

Rsbowers2 said:
When inserting a degree symbol, powerpoint automatically defaults to a
double-byte MS PGothic font. I have tried to change it through "insert
symbol", using key strokes and changing/replacing the font, but it still
defaults to MS PGothic.

You don't say which version of PPT and whether it's an English or
other-language version.

Could you let us know?

In 2003, US English, Insert Symbol defaults to Normal Text, meaning it uses the
same font as the text at the insertion point.

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