Possible: Animation trigger dependent on random click of three sha



This is very difficult to explain. If it makes no sense, it's me, not you.

In my presentation, three shapes (call them A, B, and C) are independently
animated to move in position next to each other to make the shape of a fish.
Each shape starts animation when it is clicked. A user may chose to click on
A, B, and C in any order.

Is it possible to have the next animation start only after all three shapes
have completed their animation? I can't use "start after previous" because
previous could be A, B, or C, depending on the order chosen by the user.

In short, is there a way to make an animation trigger dependent on the
random completion of three other animations?

Thanks in advance.


You can create a button which can be clicked only after all 3 shapes are
animated. By clicking on this button, it will start the next animation.
To do so, you will need to add a button (you can use AutoShape to do so).
Then, add 3 rectangle or oval AutoShapes that cover the button entirely.
Now, select all 3 autoshapes, right click and select Format AutoShapes.
Set them to No Line. Under Fill, set to 99% transparency. This will make
them 'invisible'.
Click Slide Show > Custom Animation.
Add disappear effect to all 3 autoshapes.
Now, have each autoshape triggers under A, B and C respectively.
That is to say, when you click on A, Shape A will animate, and at the same
time, one invisible autoshape will disappear.
Once all three autoshapes disappear, you will be able to click on the button
to continue with the next animation.

See if that is what you want.
Shawn Toh (tohlz)
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP PowerPoint)

Site Updated: Sep 01, 2006
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PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate

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