pop up windows on IE vs. Firefox (using Javascript)


STL Joey

I went on www.salary.com and for some reason the web page is not loading up
correctly. When I use it with IE, it loads up fine, however with Firefox it
is a bit different. When I use IE to browse the site and I click on a link
that uses Javascript to bring up a new window it brings the window up just
fine. However when I use Netscaape/Firefox and click on the same window, it
seems like the java script does not work and no window is brought up. Any
suggestions or advice?



Exactly what link/feature were you using at the salary.com site that didn't
work in Firefox? I've experienced that if I click on a link that spawns a
javascript popup that, if the page isn't finished loading, Firefox will block
it. Otherwise it seems to do just swell.

~ Kevin

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