Poltergeist Movie Maker -1-



Here's the sad story...
OS: Windows XP Pro
Program: Movie Maker 1

I decided to upgrade to MM2. Installed it.
Liked what I saw. BUT I discovered I couldn't save the finished movie

After much research and no luck, I decided that I would try to install
it again.
No change.

Then I got "clever" and decided to use Norton Clean Sweep to
completely uninstall MM2 (being as there was no uninstall in the Ctrl

I re-ran the MM2 install, and LO and behold MM1 (-NOT 2-) is now
firmly entrenched on the system!

It's impossible to delete any MM files, drivers, ANYTHING in the Movie
Maker Directory - they just re-materialize out of thin air!!!

QUESTION: How do I get MM2 back on my system?

End sad story...


First off, try searching this forum when having issues to
speed up any/all solutions for yourself. Try what I did...

I still could NOT get my Movie Maker 2 to update the older
Movie Maker 1 (due to serious Registry corruption on my
local machine...) but what I WAS able to do was to upgrade
same on a completely separate box and then do the

1) created a new folder on my corrupted puter
called "MovieMaker2"
2) copied the main moviemk.exe from the different puter
where the upgrade to version 2 worked fine to this new
3) grabbed ALL the contents of the Movie Maker folder
where I tried to upgrade version 2 and copied everything
EXCEPT the moviemk.exe (smaller version 1 .exe file) and
pasted into this new MovieMaker2 folder
4) went to www.papajohn.org and reviewed the issues
under "problem solving/acceleration" and did a search on
my puter for "*.ax" to file ALL codecs. I then renamed
any/all codecs using the file extension ".ax_" (in my case
there were only two of them on my system...) and then
launched MovieMaker2 from my new folder.
5) input video and audio and can use all transitions and
titles, credits again with ease

Hope this helps...


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