Plus and minus signs in outline view



I know the plus sign indicates there is subsumed text below it and the minus
sign means there isn't - or shouldn't be any subsumed text. Trouble is - it
sometimes does ie a minus shows for a heading that has subordinate text below
it. I can live with it - but why is it happening and is there any way to
prevent it from happening?


Hi Beth
I'm using Word 2003. The particular document is very long (about 100,000
PS the collapse and expand functions still work fine with all headings -
just that some show with a minus sign when they should show a plus sign

Beth Melton

Typically when I've see this happen there's an empty paragraph below the
heading that is formatted with a heading style. If empty paragraphs were
used to create "space" between paragraphs then more than likely this is what
you are encountering.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Co-author of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:


Thanks for that - although the empty paragraph wasn't the specific cause, you
put me on the write track of looking at the heading properties which happened
to read as follows (I then changed it to just 'heading 2' and it was fine
Heading 2 + (Latin) Arial, (Asian) Arial Unicode MS, 12 pt, Italic, Kern at

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