please help mysterious internet sharing problem....




this might be long just to be able to provide all details so that u have all
the information you need.

ok for several months ive been running 3 computers in my home on a winxp pro
only network, they all run from a network switch, and 2 share ADSL from my
computer the third in the network. i didnt use the winxp wizard, i rather
assigned IP's to all the 3 pcs and on the 2 sharing off mine i assigned DNS
to my IP, all this worked fine. I have norton firewall 2004, all configured
correctly, and everything worked fine as...

now for the problem.. all of a sudden i started getting odd connections
happening on the 2 sharing pcs, only for the internet, i can still with no
problem view eachother, share files, but no internet.... i checked
everything over and over no problem, in network connection on the sharing
computers, it shows adsl shared and connected. now most applications work
fine that use the internet, eg MSN, valve steam.... but internet explorer
will not access the internet, the weird thing is one in every 20 tries or
so, it conencts then it wont again.... same as msn sometimes also is not
able to connect...

i tried configuring adsl on another computer so that we could all share off
it, and the same problem, and this pc that i had adsl on there isnt any
firewall so it couldnt be it either...

well i would really appriciate your help on this one, could the network
switch be acting funny? could it cause such problems....


AMD2500XP @3200XP-11X200-2.21Ghz
A7N8X-E Deluxe > Corsair TWINX1024 XMS3200LL DualChannel
HIS Excalibur 9800XT 256mb @463/399 (Omegas 2.5.51 & ATI tool 0.20 No
1x80GB SATA Seagate 8mg cache > 2x40GB ATA Seagate
SB AudigyES > ANTEC SuperLanboy 350 Case (350W SmartBlue PS)


alright!!!! i got it.... well the only resolution was to run winxp network
wizard, and let winxp set it up automatically, i experienced a few problems
that way, but after persistence i got it to configure itself, then i just
reassigned the IP's and its all good now, damn i wish i knew what it was


AMD2500XP @3200XP-11X200-2.21Ghz
A7N8X-E Deluxe > Corsair TWINX1024 XMS3200LL DualChannel
HIS Excalibur 9800XT 256mb @463/399 (Omegas 2.5.51 & ATI tool 0.20 No
1x80GB SATA Seagate 8mg cache > 2x40GB ATA Seagate
SB AudigyES > ANTEC SuperLanboy 350 Case (350W SmartBlue PS)

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