Please Help!! Disappearing Nav buttons/Bars



I am using FP2003, and have built a website which includes the Highway Theme on my local machine.

On the local machine, all the pages display and the navigation buttons display properly (even when previewing in the browser), however, after publishing the website to my ISP's system, the navigation bar/buttons disappear, and my index page has no navigation. I though maybe the theme was missing something, so I have tried several others, and the navigation will not show in the browser after being published

Any ideas or suggestions for what might be wrong

Nicholas Malone

You might try that old standby...Recalculate Hyperlinks.
And, you might try it on the server, in other words, Open
Web and type in the address that you publish to. Work on
the server directly, rather than publishing to it.
-----Original Message-----
I am using FP2003, and have built a website which
includes the Highway Theme on my local machine.
On the local machine, all the pages display and the
navigation buttons display properly (even when previewing
in the browser), however, after publishing the website to
my ISP's system, the navigation bar/buttons disappear, and
my index page has no navigation. I though maybe the theme
was missing something, so I have tried several others, and
the navigation will not show in the browser after being

Jim Buyens

I bet you're publishing by FTP. If so, make sure you
publish your *entire* Web, including the _borders,
_themes, and _derived folders.

If you're publishing through FrontPage, consult:

FrontPage Publish Command Fails

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)
-----Original Message-----
I am using FP2003, and have built a website which
includes the Highway Theme on my local machine.
On the local machine, all the pages display and the
navigation buttons display properly (even when previewing
in the browser), however, after publishing the website to
my ISP's system, the navigation bar/buttons disappear, and
my index page has no navigation. I though maybe the theme
was missing something, so I have tried several others, and
the navigation will not show in the browser after being

Thomas A. Rowe

Are you publishing to a server that has the FP2002 extensions, as some features of Shared Border and
the navigation component require them?

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Gary Bouchard said:
I am using FP2003, and have built a website which includes the Highway Theme on my local machine.

On the local machine, all the pages display and the navigation buttons display properly (even when
previewing in the browser), however, after publishing the website to my ISP's system, the navigation
bar/buttons disappear, and my index page has no navigation. I though maybe the theme was missing
something, so I have tried several others, and the navigation will not show in the browser after
being published.

Thomas A. Rowe

You should be able to see the folder via FTP.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Gary Bouchard said:
Thank you all for the prompt feedback.

I am publishing using FrontPage (not FTP or WebDav or any of the others) to my ISP. The
Administrator even gave me admin privilages to be sure that everything got posted, however, the
navigation links are not showing.
When I publish the site, I am sending everything, and even selected "Overwrite" when publishing to
make sure there were no conflicts.
I do not recieve any errors during the publishing, and FP2003 says the Publish was sucessfull.

The ISP's server has Windows 2003, and has FP2002 Extentsions and Sharepoint services, and in
fact, while we were trying to determine what the problem was, he even uninstalled and reinstalled
the FP Exts.
We even went so far as to completly delete the site from the ISP's Web Server and started over with a blank site.

Again, everything is displaying normally while the site is local.

I do notice that when I look at the site through WS_FTP, it does not show the _Borders. _FPClass,
_Overlay, or _Themes folders, but the ISP admin says that the folders are there.

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