Please Help: Chinese characters in Outlook 2003



I sync my Palm (Treo 650) with Outlook 2003.

Each system displays the Chinese characters correctly, if the characters are
originally entered in its own system.

However, the characters are shown in ? marks after sync (i.e. the Chinese
characters entered in Palm after sync will show ? in Outlook 2003).

Please help, TIA.


Pat - Thanks for the link. However I cannot find the steps to set my Outlook
2003 to run in Unicode mode. I use Gmail as the Exchange Server.

Would you please be more specific on the steps? Greatly appreciated.

Pat Willener

Sorry for the delay; I have somehow missed your follow-up question. Are
you still around? If you reply to this, I can give you detailed

Are you using a PST file?


Pat - Thanks for the response. Yes, I am using a PST file. Would greatly
appreciate the instructions.

Pat Willener

OK, the first thing is that your PST file must be in Outlook 2003
format. To check this, right-click on your personal folder (in Outlook)
and select Properties. On the General tab click Advanced. If the Format
says "Personal Folders File" then it is in 2003 format. If it says
"Personal Folders file (97-2002)" then it is obviously not.

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