Please assist...



Hello everyone...n00b question.

I'm using Excel 2003 to split up a daily spreadsheet between me and 2
of my peers. We split the orders based on the last 2 characters of the
order. The orders are all 7 digits and all numerical. Exp... 3215453.
For example... my number range is 00-33.

Every morning I have to scroll through the spreadsheet and manually
select my orders to obtain my daily workload, which can take up to 40
minutes. I tried using auto-filter with wildcards * & ?, but they
don't work. I'm typing my custom filter values as follows ?????33 and
*33, but they don't work. Are they supposed to work on numbers?

There has to be an easier way... please assist.

Thanks in advance!!

Javier Cortes


Am I right in assuming that the first 5 digits of the 7 digit numbers are not
in the same range and that is why you can only use the last 2 digits? If they
are in the same range then you can simply custom filter on the entire number
as per the following example:-
= 3215400 <= 3215433

If my assumption is correct and you cannot use the above, I suggest that you
add a column and insert this formula and copy it down for the entire length
of data:-

=VALUE(RIGHT(A2,2)) where A2 is the 7 digit number.

You can then use AutoFilter and set a Custom filter to Greater than of equal
to AND Less than or equal to.

If you need to copy and paste the filtered data, the range of visible cells
should copy and paste without the non visible cells. However, there have been
reports of people having problems doing this and all the cells copy. If you
experience this problem, then select the range of visible cells and then
Edit-> Goto and click Special in the bottom left of dialog box then select
visible cells only. Close the dialog box and then click copy.



Don Guillett

One way would be with a helper column to filter on.

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