Playing music with API calls



A short while ago I asked about playing music files from an Access
application and was directed to Dev Ashish's Website and his download
"Playing wav,avi, & midi files". It works great but I was wondering how to
play an MP3 file like I have in the MediaPlayer library?? I also saw
reference to the fact that the routines were written for Access 97; are there
new ways of playing sound files or do they improve with age? I not trying to
be a wise-guy; I think it's a natural question to ask....actually the
question goes for all routines that may have been written in older versions
of Access... are there newer and better ways to do things or do they still
fit the bill??

Douglas J. Steele

I wrote about playing MP3s in my November, 2004 Access Answers column in
Pinnacle Publication's Smart Access. You can download the column (and
accompanying sample database) for free at

Realistically, the API-oriented approaches haven't changed much since the
32-bit versions were introduced in Windows 95. Occasionally new technologies
get included with new operating systems (or as separate add-ins), but I
think you'll find that the music-related APIs haven't changed that much, so
you can safely use the examples from "The Access Web" in all versions of


Thanx for the response Doug! I've been away for a few days. I appreciate
the positive reenforcment that the APIs and all are consistant over the
years. I looked at the article and it's just what I was looking for. Thanx

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