Pictures in Report:RAM raising!/Some Pictures missing!/Access cras




I created a report including the Picture Control in the Detail Frame. All
pictures are set by PictureObjectName.Picture = "C:\Picture1.jpg"....

Our Problems:

1. The Report preview raises the RAM from 0,4 GB into the 2,5GB Area
2. In the preview some Pictures are missing, although they exist.
3. After Closing the Preview : Access crahes !! (Newstart>Repair offered by
This also happens only with a 1 - Site - report, with 2 pictures

The Picture Size is about 20 to 200 KB.

What may be the Problem?

Solving by using a special Control? A Tool to comprimize the pictures before
opening in a report?

Thanx !



Stephen Lebans

Use the Print event instead of the Format event.
Turn off the "loading Image" dialog.

Here is a prior post of mine on this issue:

The one thing you must do is turn of the "Loading Image" dialog. If you
and quickly scroll through the records in Form view, or page quickly in
Print Preview, you run the risk of crashing Access. Use the Registry mod at
the Access MVP site:

Additionally, two issues in regards to the Registry modification pointed to

1) The Registry key MUST be "No" NOT "no" or "NO"

2) On systems with XP or on systems with more than one user account,
you must add/modify the key in both HKEY_CURRENT_USER and


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
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