Pictures in Outlook 2003



I recently change from Outlook Express to Outlook 2003.
In OE, whenever someone sent attached image files, I
could see the pictures in the message body. Now, to see
them, either I open them one by one, or save the
attachments to a folder and see them from there. How can
I see the pictures in the message body, just like in OE?

Patricia Cardoza - [MVP Outlook]

You can't. It's not a feature Outlook supports.

Patricia Cardoza
Outlook MVP

Author, Special Edition Using Microsoft Outlook 2003

***Please post all replies to the newsgroups***


Try this macro that I posted awhile back to view picture attachments. It's
safe, because it will only show pictures & won't show/run any executables or
other kinds of attachments....

Here's an Outlook macro I put together that provides a work-around by displaying
all the attachments from selected emails (you can select multiple messages) in
a new message. Image files will display properly - other attachments will not.

The macro copies attachments to 'c:\attachments_outlook' (creates the directory
if necessary). After displaying the attachments in a new message, it deletes
the files that were copied

When you're finished, just close the new message without saving. The only
drawback I see so far, is that Autosave (if enabled) will save a copy in
'Drafts' if the new message stays open past the set time limit. Also,
occasionally it doesn't delete the pictures from 'c:\attachments_outlook' for
some reason.

For easy access, put a shortcut to the macro on your Outlook toolbar.

Sub view_attachments()
On Error Resume Next

Dim oOL As Outlook.Application
Dim oSelection As Outlook.Selection

Set oOL = New Outlook.Application
Set oSelection = oOL.ActiveExplorer.Selection
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

vPath = "c:\Attachments_Outlook\"
If Not fs.FolderExists(vPath) Then fs.CreateFolder vPath

vSubject = "Attachments from: ---"
vHTMLBody = "<HTML>"

For Each obj In oSelection
vSubject = vSubject & """" & obj.Subject & """---"
For Each Attachment In obj.Attachments
Attachment.SaveAsFile (vPath & Attachment.FileName)
vHTMLBody = vHTMLBody & "<FONT face=Arial size=3>" & _
Attachment.FileName & "</Font><br>" & _
"<IMG alt="""" hspace=0 src=""" & vPath & Attachment.FileName & _
""" align=baseline border=0><br><br><br>"

Set objMsg = oOL.CreateItem(0)
With objMsg
.Subject = vSubject
.HTMLBody = vHTMLBody & "</HTML>"
End With

For Each obj In oSelection
For Each Attachment In obj.Attachments
fs.DeleteFile (vPath & Attachment.FileName)

Set fs = Nothing
Set objMsg = Nothing
Set oSelection = Nothing
Set oOL = Nothing
End Sub

On Sat, 3 Jan 2004 02:36:59 -0800, "Craig Berry"


I just installed your macro and it works great - and I love it. Having to open one photo at a time was a MAJOR Pita for me - now I can actually enjoy the many photos I'm sent via email

Thank You!!!

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