Pictures Don't Show Up on Main Slide.....



Hello all,

I am having trouble in PowerPoint 2003. I have had this problem before and
been able to fix it by changing a setting but I can not for the life of me
figure out what I did to fix it.

I am in normal view - all of my graphics I have inserted I can see on the
lefthand pane (the sorter, i think its called) but when I click on a slide to
edit it in the main window, the picture isnt there!!?? The text is there, but
not the picture....

I tried the "show formatting" button and that didnt work -

Any Ideas?


By the way - I can see a white outlined rectangle where the picture should be
- just dont see the actual picture - ??


First question

Have you installed service pack 2?

John Wilson
Microsoft Certified Office Specialist


Yes, i have

John Wilson said:
First question

Have you installed service pack 2?

John Wilson
Microsoft Certified Office Specialist


Any chance view > color /greyscale isnt set to color?
Did that answer the question / help?
John Wilson
Microsoft Certified Office Specialist

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