PIA and Frozen Panes


Scott T

Hello everybody!

I am writing a utility that extracts data from our databases and generates
an excel spreadsheet with PIA. I have almost all of it working, except I
cannot find documentation ANYWHERE on how to freeze a column, so that it is
always displayed, no matter the scroll position.

I could do this with the old CarlosAG 2003-XML generator, but I needed
graphing capabilities so I am using PIA for this project. As it is all
Microsoft technology, it really seems to me that there should be a way to
script such a commonly requested/required feature. My configuration is below.

OS: WXP Pro 2002 (32-bit) SP2
Environment: MS VS2005 SP1 Pro. (C#)
Excel Interop (for E2007)
Microsoft Office (Excel) Standard VLK 2007

Thank you very much


Chip Pearson

Select cell B1 and choose Freeze Panes.

ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True

Freezing panes is the only function that requires you to Select the cell

Chip Pearson
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional
Excel Product Group
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
(email on web site)

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